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Linking novelty seeking and harm avoidance personality traits to cerebellar volumes




Personality traits are multidimensional traits comprising cognitive, emotional, and behavioral characteristics, and a wide array of cerebral structures mediate individual variability. Differences in personality traits covary with brain morphometry in specific brain regions, and neuroimaging studies showed structural or functional abnormalities of cerebellum in subjects with personality disorders, suggesting a cerebellar role in affective processing and an effect on personality characteristics. To test the hypothesis that cerebellar [white matter (WM) and cortex] volumes are correlated with scores obtained in the four temperamental scales of the Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI) by Cloninger, a total of 125 healthy participants aged 18–67 years of both genders (males = 52) completed the TCI and underwent magnetic resonance imaging. The scores obtained in each temperamental scale were associated with the volumes of cerebellar WM and cortex of right and left hemispheres separately by using linear regression analyses. In line with our hypothesis, novelty seeking (NS) scores were positively associated with WM and cortex cerebellar volumes. Harm avoidance (HA) scores were negatively associated with WM and cortex cerebellar volumes. The range of individual differences in NS and HA scores reflects the range of variances of cerebellar volumes. The present data indicating a cerebellar substrate for some personality traits extend the relationship between personality and brain areas to a structure up to now thought to be involved mainly in motor and cognitive functions, much less in emotional processes and even less in personality individual differences. Hum Brain Mapp 35:285–296, 2014. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
机译:人格特征是多维特征,包括认知,情感和行为特征,各种各样的大脑结构介导了个体变异。在特定的大脑区域,人格特征的差异随大脑形态的变化而变化,并且神经影像学研究显示,在人格障碍患者中小脑的结构或功能异常,提示小脑在情感加工中的作用以及对人格特征的影响。为了检验小脑[白质(WM)和皮层]量与克隆人在气质和性格量表(TCI)的四种气质量表中获得的分数相关的假设,共有125名年龄在18-67岁的健康参与者两个性别(男性= 52)均完成了TCI并接受了磁共振成像。通过线性回归分析,在每个气质量表上获得的分数分别与小脑WM和左右半球皮质的体积相关。与我们的假设一致,寻求新奇(NS)评分与WM和皮质小脑体积呈正相关。避害(HA)评分与WM和皮质小脑体积呈负相关。 NS和HA得分的个体差异范围反映了小脑体积的差异范围。目前的数据表明某些人格特质的小脑底物将人格与大脑区域之间的关系扩展到了一种结构,到现在为止,这种结构主要涉及运动和认知功能,在情感过程中所涉及的甚至更少,在人格个体差异上所涉及的甚至更少。嗡嗡作响的大脑Mapp 35:285–296,2014年。©2012 Wiley Periodicals,Inc.



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