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Une présentation inhabituelle de mycétome




Mycetoma is a chronic inflammatory process during which exogenous fungal or actinomycosic agents produce grains. The infection involves the skin, the subcutaneous tissues, the muscles and the bones. We report the case of a 39-year old woman, a teacher, living in Brazzaville, who had regularly resided in the village. She presented with a painless suppurative mass in the left thigh that had been treated with bandages over the past 4 years. The patient didn't have fever. Her general condition was good. Physical examination showed poly-lobed, firm tumor mass in the posterior surface of the left thigh, measuring 11cm in diameter on the major axis, with ulcerations discharging purulent serosity. There was no satellite adenopathy. The remainder of the physical examination was normal. Bacteriological analysis showed sterile serosity. Skin biopsy revealed alteration of the connective tissue and the presence of small foci of grains, typical of Actinomadura pelletieri. CRP level was 48mg/L; blood count, blood glucose, blood lipids and LDH were normal. Standard radiography of the affected thigh was normal. The diagnosis of actinomycosic mycetoma was retained. Patient's outcome, after a 12-month treatment with cotrimoxazole, was marked by the epidermization of the ulcers and the persistence of the tumor mass, justifying secondary surgical resection.
机译:粘膜瘤是一种慢性炎症过程,在此过程中外源性真菌或放线菌因子会产生谷物。感染涉及皮肤,皮下组织,肌肉和骨骼。我们报告了一例例行居住在布拉柴维尔的39岁妇女,老师的情况,该妇女经常住在该村。她表现出左大腿上无痛的化脓性肿块,在过去的4年中已经用绷带治疗了。病人没有发烧。她的情况一般。体格检查显示左大腿后表面多叶,牢固的肿瘤块,长轴直径为11cm,溃疡排出脓性浆液性。没有卫星腺病。其余体检正常。细菌学分析显示无菌浆液性。皮肤活检显示结缔组织发生了改变,并出现了小粒的病灶,这是猕猴桃的典型特征。 CRP水平为48mg / L;血常规,血糖,血脂和LDH正常。受累大腿的标准放射照相正常。保留了放线菌性肌瘤的诊断。在用考特莫唑治疗12个月后,患者的结局以溃疡表皮化和肿瘤块的持久性为特征,证明需要进行二次手术切除。



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