
Book Review




By the 1940s, it had been inferred that dozens of chemicals caused cancer in people or had been shown to do so in experimental animals. These chemicals came from a bewildering array of structural classes, including polycyclic hydrocarbons, aromatic amines, and others. A seminal paper authored in 1947 by Elizabeth C. Miller (1920–87) and James  A. Miller (1915–2000) provided the first clue to an underlying common mechanism for the biological activities of chemical carcinogens. They observed that feeding rats a carcinogenic dye resulted in a chemical bond between a metabolite of the carcinogen and liver proteins. Over the next twenty-five years, this extraordinary scientific team of husband and wife ‘discovered and developed the important unifying concept that most carcinogenic and mutagenic chemicals are not carcinogenic or mutagenic per se but that these compounds must undergo metabolism to reactive electrophilic metabolites that exert their effects by covalently binding to critical sites on cellular macromolecules (DNA, RNA, and protein).’ In addition to its importance as one of the foundations of modern cancer biology, this unifying concept has had broad societal implications for how we identify cancer-causing chemicals and how we protect people from them. The Millers’ discovery is so widely accepted that it is often cited without attribution and they have received relatively little recognition for their contributions outside the field of cancer research. Robert G. McKinnell has recently published an excellent biography of James and Elizabeth Miller, motivated in part by his desire ‘that the Millers should be recognised by the myriads of ordinary people whose lives have been impacted for the better.’
机译:到1940年代,已经推断出数十种化学物质会导致人为癌症,或者已经证明在实验动物中会导致癌症。这些化学物质来自各种令人困惑的结构类别,包括多环烃,芳族胺等。伊丽莎白·C·米勒(1920-87)和詹姆斯·米勒(1915-2000)于1947年发表的开创性论文为化学致癌物生物学活性的潜在共同机制提供了第一个线索。他们观察到,给大鼠喂食一种致癌染料会导致致癌物代谢产物与肝蛋白之间发生化学键结合。在接下来的25年中,这个由夫妻组成的非凡科学团队'发现并发展了重要的统一概念,即大多数致癌和诱变化学物质本身并不是致癌或诱变的,但是这些化合物必须经过新陈代谢,形成具有反应性的亲电子代谢物。通过共价结合细胞大分子的关键部位(DNA,RNA和蛋白质)发挥作用。”除了作为现代癌症生物学基础之一的重要性外,这种统一的概念对我们如何识别癌症具有广泛的社会意义,造成化学物质以及我们如何保护人们免受化学物质的侵害。米勒斯的发现被广泛接受,以致经常被引用而没有署名,并且他们在癌症研究领域以外的贡献得到的认可也相对较少。罗伯特·麦金奈尔(Robert McGinnell)最近出版了一部詹姆斯和伊丽莎白·米勒(James and Elizabeth Miller)的优秀传记,其部分动机是出于他的愿望:“米勒夫妇应受到无数普通百姓的认可,这些百姓的生活受到了改善。”



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