首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Clinical Medicine >The Impact of Previous Acute Decompensation on the Long-Term Prognosis of Alcoholic Hepatitis in Cirrhotic Patients

The Impact of Previous Acute Decompensation on the Long-Term Prognosis of Alcoholic Hepatitis in Cirrhotic Patients




Recurrent episodes of liver injury may either waste hepatic reserve or induce tolerance to further injury. We aimed to investigate whether the previous acute decompensation (AD) in liver cirrhosis (LC) affects the long-term transplant-free survival of patients with alcoholic hepatitis (AH). The survival data of 894 alcoholic LC cohort who had been admitted with acute deterioration in 21 academic hospitals in Korea were prospectively followed up. Enrolled patients were divided into three groups: Group 1, without AH; group 2, with nonsevere AH; and group 3, with severe AH. Although the baseline liver function was not different between the groups with or without previous AD, it was a significant predictor of poor long-term outcomes. The presence of previous AD negatively affected long-term overall survival (HR 1.62, 95% C.I. 1.20–2.18, = 0.002) in groups 1 and 2 as a whole, independent of the Model for End-stage Liver Disease score. The three-month conditional survival was significantly worse in group 3 for up to 12 months in the presence of previous AD ( < 0.05). We concluded that not only the severity of AH, but also the prior AD is an important predictor of long-term outcomes in alcoholic LC patients with acute deterioration.
机译:肝损伤的反复发作可能会浪费肝脏储备或诱导对进一步损伤的耐受性。我们旨在调查以前的肝硬化(LC)急性失代偿(AD)是否会影响酒精性肝炎(AH)患者的长期无移植生存。前瞻性追踪了在韩国21所学术医院中因严重恶化而收治的894名酒精中毒LC队列的生存数据。入组患者分为三组:第一组,无AH;第二组,无AH。第2组,严重度AH;第3组,患有严重AH。尽管基线肝功能在有或没有先前AD的组之间没有差异,但它是长期预后不良的重要预测指标。第1组和第2组的整体而言,既往AD的存在会对长期总体生存产生负面影响(HR 1.62,95%C.I.1.20-1.28,= 0.002),与终末期肝病评分模型无关。在先前存在AD的情况下,第3组的长达12个月的三个月条件生存期显着恶化(<0.05)。我们得出的结论是,不仅急性酒精中毒的严重程度,而且先前的AD都是急性酒精中毒LC患者长期预后的重要预测指标。



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