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PSVII-15 Use of computer-assisted sperm analyses (CASA) and flow cytometry to explain Angus bull field fertility differences.




The objective was to evaluate whether computer-assisted sperm analysis ( ) and flow cytometry ( ) could explain differences in field fertility of five Angus bulls. The hypothesis was that high fertility bulls would exhibit the highest values for total motility ( ), progressive motility ( ), and intact plasma membranes, intact acrosomes, and normal calcium influx ( ), and lowest values for DNA fragmentation index ( ). Two 0.5-mL straws (10 to 40 million sperm/straw) from each bull and same collection date were thawed simultaneously, pooled, and assayed in duplicate (n=92). Samples for CASA were stained with Hoechst 33342 and evaluated for TM and PM. In FC, the percentage of cells with VANCa were identified using a multiparametric staining procedure (Hoechst 33342, propidium-iodide, fluorescein isothiocyanate-conjugated peanut agglutinin-647 and fluo-3-acetomethoxy ester) and reported as a single population. DNA stability was assayed with acridine orange and reported as the percentage of single-stranded DNA (DFI). A generalized linear mixed model was used to analyze bull, duplicate, and their interaction as fixed effects, while collection date was considered a random effect and a beta distribution was assumed (SAS 9.4). There was no effect of duplicate or interaction ( >0.1). CASA and FC characteristics were different between bulls ( <0.05; Table 1). Bulls with the highest fertility (A and B) did not display the highest values of TM, PM and VANCa, nor the lowest value of DFI. Bull D, however, showed the highest values in TM, PM and VANCa, and lowest in DFI. Bull C, which had the lowest field fertility, did not present the lowest values in sperm analyses, whereas bull E showed the poorest in vitro values with an intermediate field fertility. In conclusion, CASA and FC were not able to completely explain the difference in field fertility between bulls.
机译:目的是评估计算机辅助精子分析()和流式细胞仪()是否可以解释五只安格斯公牛的田间肥力差异。假设是,高繁殖力公牛的总运动力(),进行性运动()和完整的质膜,完整的顶体和正常的钙流入量()最高,而DNA断裂指数()最低。同时解冻每只公牛和相同采集日期的两支0.5mL吸管(10至4,000万个精子/吸管),合并并一式两份进行分析(n = 92)。 CASA样品用Hoechst 33342染色并评估TM和PM。在FC中,使用多参数染色程序(Hoechst 33342,碘化丙啶,异硫氰酸荧光素缀合的花生凝集素647和氟-3-乙酰甲氧基酯)鉴定带有VANCa的细胞百分比,并报告为单个种群。用stability啶橙测定DNA稳定性,并以单链DNA(DFI)的百分比报告。使用广义线性混合模型来分析多头,重复和它们之间的相互作用作为固定效应,而收集日期被认为是随机效应,并假设是beta分布(SAS 9.4)。没有重复或交互作用(> 0.1)。公牛之间的CASA和FC特性不同(<0.05;表1)。最高生育力(A和B)的公牛没有显示TM,PM和VANCa的最高值,也没有显示DFI的最低值。但是,公牛D在TM,PM和VANCa中显示最高值,在DFI中显示最低值。牛场C具有最低的田间繁殖力,但在精子分析中并未呈现最低值,而牛E则具有最低的体外育种值,具有中等的田间繁殖力。总之,CASA和FC无法完全解释公牛之间田间肥力的差异。



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