首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health >Dynamic Evolution of the Ecological Carrying Capacity of Poverty-Stricken Karst Counties Based on Ecological Footprints: A Case Study in Northwestern Guangxi China

Dynamic Evolution of the Ecological Carrying Capacity of Poverty-Stricken Karst Counties Based on Ecological Footprints: A Case Study in Northwestern Guangxi China




The karst area in northwestern Guangxi is poor, underdeveloped, and ecologically fragile. It is experiencing rocky desertification, which creates challenges that are more severe than those of other regional ecological environments. In this paper, the ecological footprint (EF) model is used to analyze the ecological carrying capacity (EC) in northwestern Guangxi from 1995 to 2015, and the differences in karst counties with different poverty levels are discussed. The results show that (1) since 1995, the EC of northwestern Guangxi has continued to decrease, the EF has continued to increase, the ecological deficit (ED) has been expanding, and the status of the region has been unsustainable for a long time. (2) The evolutionary patterns, EF and EC of karst counties with different poverty levels are different. The county with the lowest poverty rate has the fastest growth rate of the per capita EF. The county with the largest proportion of karst area has the lowest EC. (3) It is recommended that different types of counties take different measures, including strengthening ecological environment protection, carrying out rocky desertification control and ecological resettlement projects, and reducing energy consumption. This study can provide information for the sustainable development of the karst region and provide decision support for regional poverty alleviation.
机译:桂西北地区的喀斯特地区比较贫困,欠发达且生态脆弱。它正在经历石漠化,这带来了比其他区域生态环境更严峻的挑战。本文利用生态足迹(EF)模型分析了广西北部1995年至2015年的生态承载力(EC),并讨论了不同贫困水平的喀斯特县的差异。结果表明:(1)自1995年以来,桂西北地区的EC持续下降,EF持续增加,生态赤字(ED)不断扩大,该地区的状况长期不可持续。 。 (2)不同贫困水平的喀斯特县的演化模式,EF和EC不同。贫困率最低的县的人均EF增长率最高。喀斯特地区比例最大的县的EC最低。 (3)建议不同类型的县采取不同的措施,包括加强生态环境保护,开展石漠化防治和生态安置工程,减少能源消耗。该研究可以为岩溶地区的可持续发展提供信息,并为区域扶贫提供决策支持。



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