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Cultural Narratives of Micronesian Islander Parent Leaders: Maternal and Children’s Health the School System and the Role of Culture




In Oregon in the United States’ Pacific Northwest, Native Hawaiians/Pacific Islanders including Micronesian Islanders (MI) substantially grew by 68%; however, research is sparse. This is often due to data aggregation as Asian and Pacific Islanders and community members’ reluctance and wariness to participate in research due to a history of unethical research in the Pacific. The MI community experienced miscarriages, stillbirths, and intellectual and developmental disabilities. Organizational MI community leaders expressed a need to explore the voices of MI parent leaders (MIPLs). The purpose of the community-based participatory qualitative descriptive pilot study was to explore the perceptions and experiences of MIPLs with maternal and children’s health, the school system, and the influence of culture. A trained MI community health worker recruited eight MIPLs from an urban area of the Pacific northwest in the United States. A group level assessment included illustrative storytelling and is a participant-driven qualitative method that guided data collection and analysis with real-time involvement with MIPL. The discussions lasted for 90 minutes. MIPL shared stories by writing and drawing pictures onto the flip chart papers, transcribed main points, and analyzed the data with researchers. Researchers recorded field notes of the interactions. Researchers debriefed with MIPL to assure trustworthiness and credibility of the findings. MIPL are Compact of Free Association citizens. Their age ranged from 26 to 42 years, have lived in the United States an average of 12.63 years, and most reported having less than $15,000 total household income before taxes. Four main themes were identified: MI cultural identity, English language and MI culture disharmony, zero or delayed prenatal care, and uncertainty for the future of MI children who have disabilities or developmentally delayed as they progress through the school system. Health care providers including nurses and school officials need to have a culturally specific understanding of the MI community and must consider their needs, culture, and language barriers.
机译:在美国西北太平洋地区的俄勒冈州,包括密克罗尼西亚岛民(MI)在内的夏威夷土著/太平洋岛民大幅增长了68%;但是,研究很少。这通常是由于数据积累,因为由于太平洋地区的不道德研究历史,亚洲及太平洋岛民以及社区成员不愿和谨慎地参与研究。 MI社区经历了流产,死产以及智力和发育障碍。组织MI社区领导者表示需要探索MI父母领导者(MIPL)的声音。基于社区的参与性定性描述性试点研究的目的是探讨MIPL对母婴健康,学校系统和文化影响的看法和经验。一位训练有素的MI社区卫生工作者从美国西北太平洋的市区招募了8名MIPL。小组级别的评估包括说明性的故事讲述,是一种由参与者驱动的定性方法,可通过MIPL的实时参与来指导数据收集和分析。讨论持续了90分钟。 MIPL通过在活动挂图纸上书写和绘制图片,转​​录要点并与研究人员分析数据来共享故事。研究人员记录了相互作用的现场记录。研究人员对MIPL进行了汇报,以确保结果的可信度和可信性。 MIPL是自由协会公民契约。他们的年龄从26岁到42岁不等,在美国平均居住了12.63岁,大多数人的税前家庭总收入不到15,000美元。确定了四个主要主题:MI文化认同,英语和MI文化不和谐,产前护理零或延迟,以及随着学制的发展而出现残疾或发育迟缓的MI儿童未来的不确定性。包括护士和学校官员在内的医疗保健提供者需要对MI社区有文化上的特定了解,并且必须考虑他们的需求,文化和语言障碍。



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