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Diversity of escape variant mutations in Simian virus 40 Large Tumor Antigen (SV40 T ag) epitopes selected by cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) clones

机译:通过细胞毒性T淋巴细胞(CTL)克隆选择的猿猴病毒40大肿瘤抗原(SV40 T ag)表位中逃逸变异的多样性



To better understand the relationship between epitope variation and tumor escape from immune surveillance, SV40 T antigen transformed B6/K-0 cells were subjected to selection with individual CTL clones specific for the SV40 T antigen H-2Db-restricted epitopes I or V. CTL resistant populations were isolated from a majority of the selection cultures and substituted epitope sequences were identified within most of the resistant populations. T ag sequences deleted of all or portions of the selection-targeted epitope were identified, but in lower numbers compared to epitope sequences bearing single residue substitutions. Relatively few flanking residue substitutions were identified, and only in epitope I-targeted selections. The diversity (numbers and epitope residue locations) of substituted epitope residue positions varied between selections. These findings suggest that the scope of spontaneously occurring mutations that could allow for escape from individual CD8+ T cell clones is large.
机译:为了更好地了解抗原表位变异与肿瘤逃避免疫监控之间的关系,分别用对SV40 T抗原H-2D b 特异的单个CTL克隆对SV40 T抗原转化的B6 / K-0细胞进行选择。 -限制性表位I或V。从多数选择培养物中分离出CTL抗性群体,并且在大多数抗性群体中鉴定出取代的表位序列。鉴定了全部或部分选择靶向表位的T ag序列缺失,但是与携带单个残基取代的表位序列相比,T ag序列的数量较少。鉴定出侧翼残基的取代相对较少,仅在以表位I为目标的选择中。取代的表位残基位置的多样性(数目和表位残基位置)在选择之间变化。这些发现表明,自发发生的突变的范围很大,可以从单个CD8 + T细胞克隆中逃脱。



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