首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>other >Stereoselective Metabolism of the Environmental Mammary Carcinogen 6-Nitrochrysene to trans-1 2-Dihydroxy-1 2-Dihydro-6-Nitrochrysene by Aroclor 1254-Treated Rat Liver Microsomes and Their Comparative Mutation Profiles in a lacI Mammary Epithelial Cell Line

Stereoselective Metabolism of the Environmental Mammary Carcinogen 6-Nitrochrysene to trans-1 2-Dihydroxy-1 2-Dihydro-6-Nitrochrysene by Aroclor 1254-Treated Rat Liver Microsomes and Their Comparative Mutation Profiles in a lacI Mammary Epithelial Cell Line

机译:环境致癌物乳腺6- Nitrochrysene的立体选择性代谢反式12-二羟基 - 12-二氢-6- Nitrochrysene由多氯联苯1254处理的大鼠肝微粒体和及其比较突变概况在一个的lacI乳腺上皮细胞的



The environmental pollutant 6-nitrochrysene (6-NC) is a powerful mammary carcinogen and mutagen in rats. Our previous studies have shown that 6-NC is metabolized to trans-1, 2-dihydroxy-1, 2-dihydro-6-nitrochrysene (1, 2-DHD-6-NC) in rats and in several in vitro systems including human breast tissues and the latter is the proximate carcinogenic form in the rat mammary gland. Since optically active enantiomers of numerous polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) metabolites including chrysene have different biological activities, we hypothesized that the stereochemical course of 6-NC metabolism might play a significant role in the carcinogenic/mutagenic activities of the parent 6-NC. The goal of this study is to evaluate the effect of stereochemistry on the mutagenicity of 1, 2-DHD-6-NC using the cII gene of lacI mammary epithelial cells in vitro. Resolution of (±)-1, 2-DHD-6-NC was obtained by either non-chiral or chiral stationary phase HPLC methods. We determined that the ratio of (−)-[R,R]-and (+)-[S,S]-1,2-DHD-6-NC formed in the metabolism of 6-NC by rat liver microsomes is 88:12. The mutation fractions and mutation spectra of [R,R] and [S,S]-enantiomers were examined. Our results showed that [R,R]- is significantly (p < 0.01) more potent mutagen than the [S,S]-isomer. The major types of mutation induced by the [R,R]-enantiomer are AT > GC, AT > TA and GC > TA substitutions; and these are similar to those obtained from 6-NC in vivo in the mammary gland of rats treated with 6-NC. The mutation spectra of the [S,S]- isomer were similar to [R,R]-isomer, but a higher percentage of AT > GC substitutions in the [R,R]- isomer was noted. Based on the results of the present study, we hypothesize that [R,R]- 1,2-DHD-6-NC is the proximate carcinogen of 6-NC in the rat mammary gland in vivo and will test this hypothesis in future study.



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