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Suppression of chikungunya virus replication and differential innate responses of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells during co-infection with dengue virus




Dengue and chikungunya are viral diseases transmitted to humans by infected Aedes spp. mosquitoes. With an estimated 390 million infected people per year dengue virus (DENV) currently causes the most prevalent arboviral disease. During the last decade chikungunya virus (CHIKV) has caused large outbreaks and has expanded its territory causing millions of cases in Asia, Africa and America. The viruses share a common mosquito vector and during the acute phase cause similar flu-like symptoms that can proceed to more severe or debilitating symptoms. The growing overlap in the geographical distribution of these mosquito-borne infections has led to an upsurge in reported cases of DENV/CHIKV co-infections. Unfortunately, at present we have little understanding of consequences of the co-infections to the human host. The overall aim of this study was to define viral replication dynamics and the innate immune signature involved in concurrent DENV and CHIKV infections in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). We demonstrate that concomitant infection resulted in a significant reduction of CHIKV progeny and moderate enhancement of DENV production. Remarkably, the inhibitory effect of DENV on CHIKV infection occurred independently of DENV replication. Furthermore, changes in type I IFN, IL-6, IL-8, TNF-α, MCP-1 and IP-10 production were observed during concomitant infections. Notably, co-infections led to a significant increase in the levels of TNF-α and IL-6, cytokines that are widely considered to play a crucial role in the early pathogenesis of both viral diseases. In conclusion, our study reveals the interplay of DENV/CHIKV during concomitant infection and provides a framework to investigate viral interaction during co-infections.
机译:登革热和基孔肯雅热是被感染的伊蚊属传播给人类的病毒性疾病。蚊子。估计每年有3.9亿人感染登革热病毒(DENV),目前是最流行的虫媒病毒疾病。在过去十年中,基孔肯雅病毒(CHIKV)引起了大规模的暴发,并扩大了其领土,在亚洲,非洲和美洲造成了数百万例病例。这些病毒共享一个通用的蚊媒,在急性期会引起类似的流感样症状,并可能发展为更为严重或使人衰弱的症状。这些蚊媒感染的地理分布重叠越来越大,导致报告的DENV / CHIKV合并感染病例激增。不幸的是,目前我们对共同感染对人类宿主的后果了解甚少。这项研究的总体目标是确定病毒复制动力学和人类外周血单核细胞(PBMC)并发DENV和CHIKV感染所涉及的先天免疫特征。我们证明,伴随感染导致CHIKV后代的显着减少和DENV生产的中等增强。值得注意的是,DENV对CHIKV感染的抑制作用独立于DENV复制而发生。此外,在伴随感染期间观察到I型IFN,IL-6,IL-8,TNF-α,MCP-1和IP-10产生的变化。值得注意的是,共同感染导致TNF-α和IL-6的水平显着增加,这些因子被广泛认为在两种病毒性疾病的早期发病机理中都起着至关重要的作用。总之,我们的研究揭示了并发感染期间DENV / CHIKV的相互作用,并提供了研究共同感染期间病毒相互作用的框架。



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