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First Human Cases of Leishmania (Viannia) lainsoni Infection and a Search for the Vector Sand Flies in Ecuador




An epidemiological study of leishmaniasis was performed in Amazonian areas of Ecuador since little information on the prevalent Leishmania and sand fly species responsible for the transmission is available. Of 33 clinical specimens from patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL), causative parasites were identified in 25 samples based on cytochrome b gene analysis. As reported previously, Leishmania (Viannia) guyanensis and L. (V.) braziliensis were among the causative agents identified. In addition, L. (V.) lainsoni, for which infection is reported in Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Suriname, and French Guiana, was identified in patients with CL from geographically separate areas in the Ecuadorian Amazon, corroborating the notion that L. (V.) lainsoni is widely distributed in South America. Sand flies were surveyed around the area where a patient with L. (V.) lainsoni was suspected to have been infected. However, natural infection of sand flies by L. (V.) lainsoni was not detected. Further extensive vector searches are necessary to define the transmission cycle of L. (V.) lainsoni in Ecuador.
机译:在厄瓜多尔的亚马逊地区进行了利什曼病的流行病学研究,因为目前尚缺乏有关利什曼原虫和沙蝇传播的信息。在来自皮肤利什曼病(CL)患者的33个临床标本中,基于细胞色素b基因分析在25个样品中鉴定出致病性寄生虫。如先前所报道,利什曼原虫(Viannia)guyanensis和巴西利什曼原虫(V.)在确定的病原体中。另外,在巴西,玻利维亚,秘鲁,苏里南和法属圭亚那报告有感染的L.(V.)lainsoni,是从厄瓜多尔亚马逊地区地理上分开的地区的CL患者中鉴定出来的,证实了L.(V.) (V.)lainsoni在南美广泛分布。在怀疑有L.(V.)lainsoni病人感染的地区附近调查了沙蝇。但是,未检测到L. (V )lainsoni 对沙蝇的自然感染。为了定义 L 的传输周期,还需要进一步的向量搜索。厄瓜多尔的(V )lainsoni



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