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Changes to Stage 1 Meaningful Use in 2014: Impact on Radiologists




The goal of this work is to provide radiologists an update regarding changes to stage 1 of meaningful use in 2014. These changes were promulgated in the final rulemaking released by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology in September 2012. Under the new rules, radiologists are exempt from meaningful use penalties provided that they are listed as radiologists under the Provider Enrollment, Chain and Ownership System (PECOS). A major caveat is that this exemption can be removed at any time. Additional concerns are discussed in the main text. Additional changes discussed include software editions independent of meaningful use stage (i.e., 2011 edition versus 2014 edition), changes to the definition of certified electronic health record technology (CEHRT), and changes to specific measures and exemptions to those measures. The new changes regarding stage 1 add complexity to an already complex program, but overall make achieving meaningful use a win-win situation for radiologists. There are no penalties for failure and incentive payments for success. The cost of upgrading to CEHRT may be much less than the incentive payments, adding a potential new source of revenue. Additional benefits may be realized if the radiology department can build upon a modern electronic health record to improve their practice and billing patterns. Meaningful use and electronic health records represent an important evolutionary step in US healthcare, and it is imperative that radiologists are active participants in the process.
机译:这项工作的目的是向放射科医生提供有关2014年有意义使用的第1阶段更改的最新信息。这些更改是由Medicare和Medicaid Services中心以及国家健康信息技术协调员办公室发布的最终规则发布的于2012年9月生效。根据新规定,放射线医师可免除有意义的使用罚款,前提是放射线医师在提供者登记,连锁和所有权制度(PECOS)下被列为放射线医师。一个主要警告是可以随时取消此豁免。正文中还讨论了其他问题。讨论的其他更改包括独立于有意义的使用阶段的软件版本(即2011年版与2014年版),对认证电子健康记录技术(CEHRT)定义的更改,以及对特定措施的更改和对这些措施的豁免。关于第1阶段的新更改增加了本来就很复杂的程序的复杂性,但总体而言,实现有意义的使用对于放射科医生来说是双赢的局面。没有对失败的惩罚和对成功的奖励。升级到CEHRT的成本可能远低于奖励金,这增加了潜在的新收入来源。如果放射科可以建立在现代电子健康记录上以改善他们的执业方式和计费方式,则可以实现额外的收益。有意义的使用和电子健康记录代表着美国医疗保健的重要发展步骤,而且放射科医生必须积极参与这一过程。



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