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Low-energy Control of Electrical Turbulence in the Heart




Controlling the complex spatio-temporal dynamics underlying life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias such as fibrillation is extremely difficult due to the nonlinear interaction of excitation waves within a heterogeneous anatomical substrate. Lacking a better strategy, strong, globally resetting electrical shocks remain the only reliable treatment for cardiac fibrillation. Here, we establish the relation between the response of the tissue to an electric field and the spatial distribution of heterogeneities of the scale-free coronary vascular structure. We show that in response to a pulsed electric field E, these heterogeneities serve as nucleation sites for the generation of intramural electrical waves with a source density ρ(E), and a characteristic time τ for tissue depolarization that obeys a power law τ∝Eα. These intramural wave sources permit targeting of electrical turbulence near the cores of the vortices of electrical activity that drive complex fibrillatory dynamics. We show in vitro that simultaneous and direct access to multiple vortex cores results in rapid synchronization of cardiac tissue and therefore efficient termination of fibrillation. Using this novel control strategy, we demonstrate, for the first time, low-energy termination of fibrillation in vivo. Our results give new insights into the mechanisms and dynamics underlying the control of spatio-temporal chaos in heterogeneous excitable media and at the same time provide new research perspectives towards alternative, life-saving low-energy defibrillation techniques.



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