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Biobehavioral Influences on Recovery Following Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation




Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) is a rigorous therapy that carries significant risk of morbidity and mortality to individuals with hematologic malignancies undergoing this treatment. While relationships between psychosocial factors, immune function, and clinical outcomes have been documented in other cancer populations, similar studies of cancer patients undergoing HSCT have not yet been conducted. The clinical significance of these relationships may be particularly salient in this population given the critical role of a timely immune recovery and optimal immune regulation in preventing infections, mitigating risk for graft-versus-host disease, and eliminating malignant cells, thereby reducing morbidity and mortality. Evidence for the potential role of biobehavioral processes following HSCT is reviewed, mechanisms by which psychosocial factors may influence immune processes relevant to post-transplant outcomes are discussed, and a framework to ground future psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) research in this area is provided. The review suggests that the recovery period following HSCT may provide a “window of opportunity” during which interventions targeting stress-related behavioral factors can influence the survival, health, and well-being of HSCT recipients.
机译:造血干细胞移植(HSCT)是一种严格的治疗方法,对患有该病的血液系统恶性肿瘤患者而言,其发病和死亡的风险均很高。尽管在其他癌症人群中已记录了社会心理因素,免疫功能和临床结局之间的关系,但尚未对进行HSCT的癌症患者进行类似的研究。鉴于及时的免疫恢复和最佳的免疫调节在预防感染,降低移植物抗宿主病风险以及消除恶性细胞从而降低发病率和死亡率方面的关键作用,这些关系的临床意义在该人群中尤其重要。 。审查了HSCT后生物行为过程潜在作用的证据,讨论了心理社会因素可能影响与移植后预后相关的免疫过程的机制,并提供了在该领域开展未来神经神经免疫学(PNI)研究的框架。该评论表明,HSCT后的恢复期可能会提供“机会之窗”,在此期间针对压力相关行为因素的干预措施可能会影响HSCT接受者的生存,健康和福祉。



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