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Mortality Morbidity and Health-Seeking Behaviour during the Ebola Epidemic 2014–2015 in Monrovia Results from a Mobile Phone Survey




Between March 2014 and July 2015 at least 10,500 Ebola cases including more than 4,800 deaths occurred in Liberia, the majority in Monrovia. However, official numbers may have underestimated the size of the outbreak. Closure of health facilities and mistrust in existing structures may have additionally impacted on all-cause morbidity and mortality. To quantify mortality and morbidity and describe health-seeking behaviour in Monrovia, Médecins sans Frontières (MSF) conducted a mobile phone survey from December 2014 to March 2015. We drew a random sample of households in Monrovia and conducted structured mobile phone interviews, covering morbidity, mortality and health-seeking behaviour from 14 May 2014 until the day of the survey. We defined an Ebola-related death as any death meeting the Liberian Ebola case definition. We calculated all-cause and Ebola-specific mortality rates. The sample consisted of 6,813 household members in 905 households. We estimated a crude mortality rate (CMR) of 0.33/10,000 persons/day (95%CI:0.25–0.43) and an Ebola-specific mortality rate of 0.06/10,000 persons/day (95%-CI:0.03–0.11). During the recall period, 17 Ebola cases were reported including those who died. In the 30 days prior to the survey 277 household members were reported sick; malaria accounted for 54% (150/277). Of the sick household members, 43% (122/276) did not visit any health care facility. The mobile phone-based survey was found to be a feasible and acceptable alternative method when data collection in the community is impossible. CMR was estimated well below the emergency threshold of 1/10,000 persons/day. Non-Ebola-related mortality in Monrovia was not higher than previous national estimates of mortality for Liberia. However, excess mortality directly resulting from Ebola did occur in the population. Importantly, the small proportion of sick household members presenting to official health facilities when sick might pose a challenge for future outbreak detection and mitigation. Substantial reported health-seeking behaviour outside of health facilities may also suggest the need for adapted health messaging and improved access to health care.
机译:在2014年3月至2015年7月期间,利比里亚至少发生了10,500例埃博拉病毒病例,其中有4,800多人死亡,绝大部分在蒙罗维亚。但是,官方数字可能低估了疫情的规模。医疗设施的关闭和对现有结构的不信任可能会进一步影响全因发病率和死亡率。为了量化蒙罗维亚的死亡率和发病率并描述其寻求健康的行为,无国界医生组织(MSF)于2014年12月至2015年3月进行了手机调查。从2014年5月14日到调查当天的死亡率,追求健康的行为。我们将与埃博拉相关的死亡定义为符合利比里亚埃博拉病例定义的任何死亡。我们计算了全因和埃博拉特异性死亡率。样本包括905户家庭的6,813户家庭成员。我们估计粗死亡率(CMR)为0.33 / 10,000人/天(95%CI:0.25-0.43),埃博拉特定死亡率为0.06 / 10,000人/天(95%-CI:0.03-0.11)。在召回期间,据报告包括死亡者在内的17例埃博拉病例。在调查前的30天里,有277位家庭成员被报告患病;疟疾占54%(150/277)。在患病的家庭成员中,有43%(122/276)没有去任何医疗机构。当无法在社区中收集数据时,发现基于移动电话的调查是一种可行且可接受的替代方法。估计CMR远远低于紧急阈值1 / 10,000人/天。蒙罗维亚的非埃博拉相关死亡率不高于先前国家对利比里亚的死亡率估计。但是,埃博拉病毒直接造成的死亡率过高确实发生在人口中。重要的是,一小部分患病的家庭成员生病时会出现在官方医疗机构,这可能对未来的暴发检测和缓解构成挑战。据报告,在医疗机构之外有大量寻求健康的行为也可能表明需要适当的健康信息和改善的医疗服务。



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