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Assessing Methods for Assigning SNPs to Genes in Gene-Based Tests of Association Using Common Variants




Gene-based tests of association are frequently applied to common SNPs (MAF>5%) as an alternative to single-marker tests. In this analysis we conduct a variety of simulation studies applied to five popular gene-based tests investigating general trends related to their performance in realistic situations. In particular, we focus on the impact of non-causal SNPs and a variety of LD structures on the behavior of these tests. Ultimately, we find that non-causal SNPs can significantly impact the power of all gene-based tests. On average, we find that the “noise” from 6–12 non-causal SNPs will cancel out the “signal” of one causal SNP across five popular gene-based tests. Furthermore, we find complex and differing behavior of the methods in the presence of LD within and between non-causal and causal SNPs. Ultimately, better approaches for a priori prioritization of potentially causal SNPs (e.g., predicting functionality of non-synonymous SNPs), application of these methods to sequenced or fully imputed datasets, and limited use of window-based methods for assigning inter-genic SNPs to genes will improve power. However, significant power loss from non-causal SNPs may remain unless alternative statistical approaches robust to the inclusion of non-causal SNPs are developed.
机译:基于基因的关联测试经常应用于常见SNP(MAF> 5%),作为单标记测试的替代方法。在此分析中,我们进行了五项基于基因的流行测试所采用的各种模拟研究,以研究与现实情况下其性能相关的一般趋势。特别是,我们关注非因果SNP和各种LD结构对这些测试行为的影响。最终,我们发现非因果SNP可以显着影响所有基于基因的测试的功能。平均而言,我们发现6至12个非因果SNP的“噪声”将抵消五种基于基因的流行测试中一种因果SNP的“信号”。此外,我们发现非因果和因果SNP之间和之间存在LD时,这些方法的行为复杂而不同。最终,有更好的方法对潜在的因果SNP进行优先排序(例如,预测非同义SNP的功能),将这些方法应用于序列化或完全归因的数据集,以及有限地使用基于窗口的方法将基因间SNP分配给基因会提高力量。但是,除非开发出对包含非因果SNP稳健的替代统计方法,否则非因果SNP可能会造成重大功率损耗。



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