首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The Journal of Experimental Medicine >Immunization with a Peptide Surrogate for Double-strandedDNA (dsDNA) Induces Autoantibody Production and RenalImmunoglobulin Deposition

Immunization with a Peptide Surrogate for Double-strandedDNA (dsDNA) Induces Autoantibody Production and RenalImmunoglobulin Deposition




Anti–double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) antibodies are the serologic abnormality characteristically associated with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and may play an important role in disease pathogenesis. Although the anti-dsDNA antibodies present in SLE are indicative of an antigen-driven response, the antigen has not been conclusively identified.By screening a phage peptide display library, we demonstrated previously that the decapeptide DWEYSVWLSN is specifically bound by the pathogenic murine IgG2b anti-dsDNA antibody R4A. To investigate the possibility that a protein antigen might trigger lupus-like autoimmunity, we immunized BALB/c mice with DWEYSVWLSN in adjuvant. Mice developed significant titers of IgG anti-dsDNA antibodies 2–3 wk after the initial immunization. Immunized mice also developed antibodies against some other lupus autoantigens, and immunoglobulin deposition was present in renal glomeruli at 49 d. Although an immune response to peptide and dsDNA was evident in BALB/c mice, there was little response in other inbred strains.This study demonstrates that lupus-like anti-dsDNA reactivity can be generated in nonautoimmune mice by immunization with a peptide antigen. Peptide-induced autoimmunity may prove useful in understanding the spreading of antigenic specificities targeted in SLE. However, most importantly, the demonstration that a peptide antigen can initiate a SLE-like immune response opens a new chapter on the potential antigenic stimuli that might trigger SLE.
机译:抗双链DNA(dsDNA)抗体是系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)特有的血清学异常,可能在疾病发病机理中发挥重要作用。尽管SLE中存在抗dsDNA抗体指示抗原驱动反应,但尚未最终鉴定出抗原。通过筛选噬菌体肽展示文库,我们之前证明了十肽DWEYSVWLSN被致病性鼠IgG2b抗性特异性结合-dsDNA抗体R4A。为了研究蛋白质抗原可能触发狼疮样自身免疫的可能性,我们在佐剂中用DWEYSVWLSN免疫了BALB / c小鼠。初次免疫后2-3周,小鼠产生了明显的IgG抗dsDNA抗体效价。免疫的小鼠还产生了针对某些其他狼疮自身抗原的抗体,并且在49 d肾小球中存在免疫球蛋白沉积。尽管在BALB / c小鼠中对肽和dsDNA的免疫反应很明显,但在其他近交系中却几乎没有反应。这项研究表明,通过自身免疫肽抗原可以在非自体免疫小鼠中产生狼疮样抗dsDNA反应性。肽诱导的自身免疫可能被证明有助于理解SLE中靶向的抗原特异性的扩散。然而,最重要的是,关于肽抗原可以启动SLE样免疫应答的论证,为可能触发SLE的潜在抗原刺激开辟了新篇章。



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