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Correlations of inflammatory gene pathways corticolimbic functional activities and aggression in pediatric bipolar disorder: a preliminary study




The mechanisms underlying aggression in adolescents with bipolar disorder have been poorly understood. The present study has investigated the associations among TNF gene expressions, functional brain activations under the frustrative non-reward task, and aggression in adolescents with bipolar disorder. Baseline gene expressions and aggressive tendencies were measured with the RNA-sequencing and Brief Rating of Aggression by Children and Adolescents (BRACHA), respectively. Our results show that activity levels of left subgenual anterior cingulate gyrus (ACG) right amygdala, left Brodmann area 10 (orbitofrontal cortex), and right thalamus were inversely correlated with BRACHA scores and were activated with frustrative non-reward during the affective Posner Task. In addition, eleven TNF related gene expressions were significantly correlated with activation of amygdala or ACG during the affective Posner task. Three TNF gene expressions were inversely correlated with BRACHA score while one TNF gene (TNFAIP3) expression was positively correlated with BRACHA score. Therefore, TNF-related inflammatory cytokine genes may play a role in neural activity associated with frustrative non-reward and aggressive behaviors in pediatric bipolar disorder.
机译:对双相情感障碍青少年侵略的潜在机制了解甚少。本研究调查了在患有躁郁症的青少年中,TNF基因表达,沮丧的无奖赏任务下的功能性大脑激活以及攻击性之间的关联。基线基因表达和攻击倾向分别通过儿童和青少年的RNA测序和侵略性简短评定(BRACHA)进行了测量。我们的研究结果表明,在情感性Posner任务期间,左亚舌下前扣带回(ACG)右杏仁核,左Brodmann区域10(眶额叶皮层)和右丘脑的活动水平与BRACHA得分呈负相关,并且被挫折性非奖励激活。此外,在情感性波斯纳任务期间,十一种与TNF相关的基因表达与杏仁核或ACG的激活显着相关。 3种TNF基因表达与BRACHA评分呈负相关,而一种TNF基因(TNFAIP3)表达与BRACHA评分呈正相关。因此,与TNF相关的炎性细胞因子基因可能在小儿双相情感障碍的挫折性无奖赏和攻击行为相关的神经活动中起作用。



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