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Migration in the 1930s: Beyond the Dust Bowl




This paper analyzes in detail the role of environmental and economic shocks in the migration of the 1930s. The 1940 U.S. Census of Population asked every inhabitant where they lived five years earlier, a unique source for understanding migration flows and networks. Earlier research documented migrant origins and destinations, but we will show how short term and annual weather conditions at sending locations in the 1930s explain those flows, and how they operated through agricultural success. Beyond demographic data, we use data about temperature and precipitation, plus data about agricultural production from the agricultural census. The widely known migration literature for the 1930s describes an era of relatively low migration, with much of the migration that did occur outward from the Dust Bowl region and the cotton South. Our work about the complete U.S. will provide a fuller examination of migration in this socially and economically important era.
机译:本文详细分析了环境和经济冲击在1930年代移民中的作用。 1940年《美国人口普查》询问了每一个居民五年前的住处,这是了解移民流向和网络的独特来源。较早的研究记录了移民的来历和目的地,但我们将展示1930年代送往地点的短期和年度天气状况如何解释这些流量,以及它们如何通过农业成功来运作。除了人口统计数据外,我们还使用有关温度和降水的数据,以及来自农业普查的农业生产数据。 1930年代广为人知的迁徙文献描述了一个迁徙相对较低的时代,其中许多迁徙确实发生在沙尘暴地区和南部棉花外。我们在整个美国的工作将对这个在社会和经济上重要的时代的移民问题进行更全面的研究。



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