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Examining Equity Sensitivity: An Investigation Using the Big Five and HEXACO Models of Personality




The construct of equity sensitivity describes an individual's preference about his/her desired input to outcome ratio. Individuals high on equity sensitivity tend to be more input oriented, and are often called “Benevolents.” Individuals low on equity sensitivity are more outcome oriented, and are described as “Entitleds.” Given that equity sensitivity has often been described as a trait, the purpose of the present study was to examine major personality correlates of equity sensitivity, so as to inform both the nature of equity sensitivity, and the potential processes through which certain broad personality traits may relate to outcomes. We examined the personality correlates of equity sensitivity across three studies (total N = 1170), two personality models (i.e., the Big Five and HEXACO), the two most common measures of equity sensitivity (i.e., the Equity Preference Questionnaire and Equity Sensitivity Inventory), and using both self and peer reports of personality (in Study 3). Although results varied somewhat across samples, the personality variables of Conscientiousness and Honesty-Humility, followed by Agreeableness, were the most robust predictors of equity sensitivity. Individuals higher on these traits were more likely to be Benevolents, whereas those lower on these traits were more likely to be Entitleds. Although some associations between Extraversion, Openness, and Neuroticism and equity sensitivity were observed, these were generally not robust. Overall, it appears that there are several prominent personality variables underlying equity sensitivity, and that the addition of the HEXACO model's dimension of Honesty-Humility substantially contributes to our understanding of equity sensitivity.
机译:公平敏感度的结构描述了个人对他/她期望的投入产出比的偏好。对股权敏感度高的个人倾向于以投入为导向,通常被称为“慈善者”。对股权敏感度低的个人更注重结果,因此被称为“应享权利”。鉴于平等敏感性经常被描述为一种特质,所以本研究的目的是研究平等敏感性的主要人格相关性,以告知平等敏感性的性质以及某些广泛的人格特质可能通过的过程。与结果有关。我们研究了三项研究(总N = 1170),两种人格模型(即“大五人”和“六方”),两种最常见的股权敏感性度量(即“股权偏好问卷”和“股权敏感性库存”)对股权敏感性的人格相关性。 ),并同时使用自我和同伴的性格报告(在研究3中)。尽管结果在样本中有所不同,但自觉性和诚实谦逊的人格变量,其次是令人愉快,是公平敏感性的最有力预测指标。这些特质较高的人更有可能成为仁者,而这些特质较低的人则更有可能成为应享权利。尽管观察到外向性,开放性和神经质与公平敏感性之间存在某些联系,但这些联系通常并不牢固。总体而言,似乎在股权敏感性方面存在几个突出的人格变量,并且增加了HEXACO模型的诚实谦卑维度,这大大有助于我们对股权敏感性的理解。



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