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The effects of varenicline on methamphetamine self-administration and drug-primed reinstatement in male rats




Methamphetamine (meth) addiction is a costly burden to both the individual user and society as a whole. Establishing effective pharmacotherapies to treat meth dependence is needed to help solve this health problem. The study reported herein examined the effects of varenicline, a partial α4β2 and full α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor agonist, on meth self-administration and reinstatement in male Sprague-Dawley rats. Following indwelling jugular catheter surgery, rats were either trained to self-administer meth or saline on a variable ratio (VR) 3 schedule of reinforcement. Self-administration sessions (2 hour duration; 19 total sessions) were conducted daily. The effect of varenicline pretreatment on meth and saline self-administration was then determined using a within-study design. All rats received varenicline (0.0, 0.3, 1.0, and 3.0 mg/kg) prior to 4 different test sessions. Dose order was randomly assigned and each test was separated by 2 standard self-administration sessions to assess stability of responding. Fifteen extinction sessions (no meth available) followed the last test. Extinction was followed by meth-primed (0.3 mg/kg IP) reinstatement tests to examine the effect of varenicline on meth-seeking behavior. All rats again received all doses of varenicline over 4 separate reinstatement tests performed on 4 consecutive days. Varenicline did not alter self-administration of meth or saline. Additionally, the 0.3 and 1.0 doses of varenicline non-specifically increased active lever responding during the reinstatement test sessions. This latter finding suggests that varenicline may increase relapse liability and should not be utilized as pharmacotherapy to treat meth dependence.
机译:甲基苯丙胺成瘾对个人使用者和整个社会都是沉重的负担。需要建立有效的药物疗法来治疗甲基苯丙胺依赖,以帮助解决这一健康问题。本文报道的研究检查了伐尼克兰,部分α4β2和完整α7烟碱乙酰胆碱受体激动剂对雄性Sprague-Dawley大鼠甲基苯丙胺自我给药和恢复的作用。进行颈静脉留置导管手术后,训练大鼠以可变比例(VR)3强化时间表自我给药甲基苯丙氨酸或盐水。每天进行自我管理课程(2小时,共19个课程)。然后使用研究设计确定伐尼克兰预处理对甲基丙烯酸甲酯和生理盐水自我给药的影响。在4个不同的测试阶段之前,所有大鼠均接受缬尼克林(0.0、0.3、1.0和3.0 mg / kg)。剂量顺序是随机分配的,每个测试通过2个标准的自我管理疗程进行分隔,以评估反应的稳定性。上次测试后进行了15次灭绝会议(无可用方法)。灭绝后,进行甲基引发的(0.3 mg / kg IP)复溶试验,以检查缬草碱对寻求甲基的行为的影响。在连续4天进行的4次单独恢复测试中,所有大鼠均再次接受了所有剂量的伐尼克兰。瓦伦尼克林不会改变甲氧西林或生理盐水的自我给药。此外,在恢复测试期间,0.3和1.0剂量的伐尼克兰非特异性地增加了活性杠杆的响应。后一个发现表明,伐尼克兰可能会增加复发风险,因此不应被用作药物疗法来治疗甲基苯丙胺依赖。



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