首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Graduate Medical Education >The Direct Indirect and Intangible Benefits of Graduate Medical Education Programs to Their Sponsoring Institutions and Communities

The Direct Indirect and Intangible Benefits of Graduate Medical Education Programs to Their Sponsoring Institutions and Communities




Declining reimbursement for graduate medical education (GME) as well as increasing hospital competition has placed the cost of GME in the spotlight of institutional administrators. Traditional hospital-generated cost center profit and loss statements fail to accurately reflect the full economic impact of training programs on the institution as well as the larger community. A more complete analysis would take into consideration the direct, indirect, and “intangible” benefits of GME programs. The GME programs usually have a favorable impact on the trainees themselves, the sponsoring institution, the local community, university sponsors and affiliates, and the greater community, and all of these areas need to be considered in the economic analysis. Complete analyses of programs often demonstrate very positive benefits to their sponsoring institutions that would not be recognized on simple cost center profit and loss reports. Studies in the literature that quantify the net economic benefits of GME programs are consistent in their favorable findings.
机译:研究生医学教育(GME)的报销减少以及医院竞争的加剧,已使GME的成本成为机构管理者的关注焦点。传统的医院生成的成本中心损益表无法准确反映培训计划对机构以及整个社区的整体经济影响。更全面的分析将考虑GME计划的直接,间接和“无形”收益。 GME计划通常会对学员自身,赞助机构,当地社区,大学赞助者和分支机构以及更广泛的社区产生有利影响,并且在经济分析中需要考虑所有这些方面。对计划进行完整的分析通常会为其赞助机构带来非常积极的好处,而简单的成本中心损益报告将不会承认这些好处。量化GME计划的净经济利益的文献研究在其有利的发现中是一致的。



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