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Why do young people consume marijuana? Extending motivational theory via the Dualistic Model of Passion




We evaluated an extended model of motivation for consuming marijuana by combining motivational theory and the dualistic model of passion. An online sample of 524 young, frequent marijuana consumers (Mage = 24; 88% male; Mpast-30-days=21; Mode=31; 50% used 25–31 days) self-administered several questionnaires including the Marijuana-Harmonious and Obsessive Passion Scale and the Marijuana Motives Measure. Intercorrelations among the obsessive and harmonious passion and motives subscales were small-to-medium. A canonical correlation analysis revealed that obsessive passion was significantly positively associated with coping and conformity motives, while controlling for marijuana use, other motives, and harmonious passion scores. Additionally, harmonious passion was significantly positively associated with expansion, social, enhancement, and coping motives, while controlling for marijuana use and obsessive passion scores. A second canonical correlation analysis revealed that, when motive and passion subscales were included as independent predictors of recent marijuana use and related consequences, high obsessive passion and coping motives emerged as significant predictors of recent use and related consequences. Moreover, high harmonious passion and using less for conformity motives emerged as significant predictors of recent marijuana use. These results demonstrate that passion is related to, but not a proxy for, previously established motives for marijuana use and that, when examined simultaneously, both types of passion predict recent consumption but appear to differentiate whether one will experience use-related consequences. Researchers and clinicians could evaluate whether addressing obsessive passion and coping motives reduces or ameliorates negative outcomes associated with consumption.
机译:我们通过结合动机理论和激情的二元模型,评估了大麻消费动机的扩展模型。在线抽样了524个年轻的大麻使用者(法师= 24;男性88%; Mpast-30天= 21; Mode = 31; 50%使用了25-31天),自我管理了几份问卷,包括大麻和强迫症量表和大麻动机量度。强迫症和动机与动机分量表之间的相互关系是中小型的。典范的相关分析显示,痴迷激情与应对和顺从动机显着正相关,同时控制大麻的使用,其他动机和和谐的激情评分。此外,和谐的激情与扩展,社交,增强和应对动机显着正相关,同时控制了大麻的使用和强迫性得分。另一项典型的相关分析显示,当动机和激情分量表被包括为近期使用大麻和相关后果的独立预测因素时,高度强迫症的热情和应对动机就成为近期使用和相关后果的重要预测因素。此外,高和谐的热情和减少对合规动机的使用已成为近期使用大麻的重要预测指标。这些结果表明,激情与先前确立的使用大麻的动机有关,但不能代替它,并且,当同时进行检查时,两种激情都可以预测近期的食用量,但似乎可以区分一个人是否会遭受与使用有关的后果。研究人员和临床医生可以评估解决强迫症和应对动机是否会减少或改善与消费有关的负面结果。



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