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Availability of patient-centered cancer support services: A statewide survey of cancer centers




The Institute of Medicine recommended in their landmark report “From Cancer Patient to Cancer Survivor: Lost in Transition” that services to meet the needs of cancer patients should extend beyond physical health issues to include functional and psychosocial consequences of cancer. However, no systems exist in the US to support state-level data collection on availability of support services for cancer patients. Developing a mechanism to systematically collect these data and document service availability is essential for guiding comprehensive cancer control planning efforts. This study was carried out to develop a protocol for implementing a statewide survey of all Commission on Cancer (CoC) accredited cancer centers in South Carolina and to implement the survey to examine availability of patient support services within the state. We conducted a cross-sectional survey of CoC-certified cancer centers in South Carolina. An administrator at each center completed a survey on availability of five services: 1) patient navigation; 2) distress screening; 3) genetic risk assessment and counseling, 4) survivorship care planning; and 5) palliative care. Completed surveys were received from 16 of 17 eligible centers (94%). Of the 16 centers, 44% reported providing patient navigation; 31% reported conducting distress screening; and 44% reported providing genetic risk assessment and counseling. Over 85% of centers reported having an active palliative care program, palliative care providers and a hospice program, but fewer had palliative outpatient services (27%), palliative inpatient beds (50%) or inpatient consultation teams (31%). This was a small, yet systematic survey in one state. This study demonstrated a practical method for successfully monitoring statewide availability of cancer patient support services, including identifying service gaps.
机译:医学研究所在其具有里程碑意义的报告“从癌症患者到癌症幸存者:迷失中的转型”中建议,满足癌症患者需求的服务应不仅限于身体健康问题,还应包括癌症的功能和社会心理后果。但是,在美国,没有任何系统可以支持有关癌症患者支持服务可用性的州级数据收集。开发系统地收集这些数据和记录服务可用性的机制对于指导全面的癌症控制规划工作至关重要。进行这项研究是为了制定协议,以便对南卡罗来纳州所有经癌症委员会(CoC)认可的癌症中心进行全州调查,并实施该调查以检查该州内患者支持服务的可用性。我们对南卡罗来纳州的CoC认证癌症中心进行了横断面调查。每个中心的管理员完成了对五项服务可用性的调查:1)患者导航; 2)遇险筛选; 3)遗传风险评估和咨询,4)生存护理计划; 5)姑息治疗。从17个符合条件的中心中的16个(94%)收到了完成的调查。在这16个中心中,有44%报告提供患者导航。 31%的人表示进行了困扰筛查; 44%的人报告提供了遗传风险评估和咨询。超过85%的中心报告说有积极的姑息治疗计划,姑息治疗提供者和临终关怀计划,但较少有姑息门诊服务(27%),姑息住院床位(50%)或住院咨询团队(31%)。这是在一个州进行的小型且系统的调查。这项研究展示了一种实用的方法,可以成功地监控癌症患者支持服务在全州的可用性,包括确定服务差距。



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