首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>other >The Virome and Its Major Component Anellovirus a Convoluted System Molding Human Immune Defenses and Possibly Affecting the Development of Asthma and Respiratory Diseases in Childhood

The Virome and Its Major Component Anellovirus a Convoluted System Molding Human Immune Defenses and Possibly Affecting the Development of Asthma and Respiratory Diseases in Childhood




The microbiome, a thriving and complex microbial community colonizing the human body, has a broad impact on human health. Colonization is a continuous process that starts very early in life and occurs thanks to shrewd strategies microbes have evolved to tackle a convoluted array of anatomical, physiological, and functional barriers of the human body. Cumulative evidence shows that viruses are part of the microbiome. This part, called virome, has a dynamic composition that reflects what we eat, how and where we live, what we do, our genetic background, and other unpredictable variables. Thus, the virome plays a chief role in shaping innate and adaptive host immune defenses. Imbalance of normal microbial flora is thought to trigger or exacerbate many acute and chronic disorders. A compelling example can be found in the respiratory apparatus, where early-life viral infections are major determinants for the development of allergic diseases, like asthma, and other non-transmissible diseases. In this review, we focus on the virome and, particularly, on Anelloviridae, a recently discovered virus family. Anelloviruses are major components of the virome, present in most, if not all, human beings, where they are acquired early in life and replicate persistently without causing apparent disease. We will discuss how modulation of innate and adaptive immune systems by Anelloviruses can influence the development of respiratory diseases in childhood and provide evidence for the use of Anelloviruses as useful and practical molecular markers to monitor inflammatory processes and immune system competence.
机译:微生物群是一个繁荣,复杂的微生物群落,遍布人类,对人类健康具有广泛的影响。殖民化是一个持续的过程,始于生命的早期,并由于精明的策略而得以发展,微生物已进化为应对复杂的人体解剖,生理和功能障碍。累积证据表明,病毒是微生物组的一部分。该部分称为病毒体,具有动态的成分,可以反映我们的饮食,我们的生活方式和生活,我们的工作,我们的遗传背景以及其他不可预测的变量。因此,病毒在形成先天性和适应性宿主免疫防御中起主要作用。正常微生物菌群的失衡被认为会引发或加剧许多急性和慢性疾病。在呼吸器中可以找到一个令人信服的例子,早期的病毒感染是导致过敏性疾病(例如哮喘)和其他非传染性疾病发展的主要因素。在这篇综述中,我们着重于病毒,特别是最近发现的病毒家族Anelloviridae。 Anelloviruses是病毒的主要成分,存在于大多数(如果不是全部)人类中,它们是生命早期获得的,并持续复制而不会引起明显的疾病。我们将讨论由Anelloviruses调节的先天性和适应性免疫系统如何影响儿童呼吸系统疾病的发展,并为使用Anelloviruses作为监测炎症过程和免疫系统能力的有用和实用的分子标记提供证据。



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