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Influence of Musical Enculturation on Brain Responses to Metric Deviants




The ability to recognize metric accents is fundamental in both music and language perception. It has been suggested that music listeners prefer rhythms that follow simple binary meters, which are common in Western music. This means that listeners expect odd-numbered beats to be strong and even-numbered beats to be weak. In support of this, studies have shown that listeners exposed to Western music show stronger novelty and incongruity related P3 and irregularity detection related mismatch negativity (MMN) brain responses to attenuated odd- than attenuated even-numbered metric positions. Furthermore, behavioral evidence suggests that music listeners' preferences can be changed by long-term exposure to non-Western rhythms and meters, e.g., by listening to African or Balkan music. In our study, we investigated whether it might be possible to measure effects of music enculturation on neural responses to attenuated tones on specific metric positions. We compared the magnetic mismatch negativity (MMNm) to attenuated beats in a “Western group” of listeners (n = 12) mainly exposed to Western music and a “Bicultural group” of listeners (n = 13) exposed for at least 1 year to both Sub-Saharan African music in addition to Western music. We found that in the “Western group” the MMNm was higher in amplitude to deviant tones on odd compared to even metric positions, but not in the “Bicultural group.” In support of this finding, there was also a trend of the “Western group” to rate omitted beats as more surprising on odd than even metric positions, whereas the “Bicultural group” seemed to discriminate less between metric positions in terms of surprise ratings. Also, we observed that the overall latency of the MMNm was significantly shorter in the Bicultural group compared to the Western group. These effects were not biased by possible differences in rhythm perception ability or music training, measured with the Musical Ear Test (MET). Furthermore, source localization analyses suggest that auditory, inferior temporal, sensory-motor, superior frontal, and parahippocampal regions might be involved in eliciting the MMNm to the metric deviants. These findings suggest that effects of music enculturation can be measured on MMNm responses to attenuated tones on specific metric positions.
机译:识别度量口音的能力是音乐和语言感知的基础。已经提出,音乐听众更喜欢遵循简单二元音的节奏,这在西方音乐中很常见。这意味着听众期望奇数节拍变强而偶数节拍变弱。为支持这一点,研究表明,接触西方音乐的听众表现出更强的新颖性和与不确定性相关的P3,以及与不规则检测相关的失配负数(MMN)大脑对衰减的奇数位和衰减的偶数位的响应。此外,行为证据表明,通过长期暴露于非西方的节奏和节奏,例如通过听非洲或巴尔干音乐,可以改变音乐听众的喜好。在我们的研究中,我们调查了是否有可能测量音乐文化对特定指标位置上对衰减音调的神经反应的影响。我们将磁失配否定性(MMNm)与主要暴露于西方音乐的“西方”听众(n = 12)和至少暴露1年的“双重文化”听众(n = 13)的节拍进行了比较。除了西方音乐外,还包括撒哈拉以南非洲音乐。我们发现,在“西方群体”中,MMNm的幅度要比偶数公制位置的幅度高出奇数,而在“双文化”群体中则不然。为支持这一发现,“西方群体”也有一种趋势,即对遗漏的节拍在奇数上的评级比偶数位置更令人惊讶,而“双文化群体”在度量级别上的惊喜评级似乎差别较小。此外,我们观察到,与西方人群相比,双文化人群中MMNm的总体潜伏期明显缩短。这些效果不受节奏性知觉能力或音乐训练方面可能存在的差异所影响,这些差异可通过“音乐耳朵测试”(MET)进行测量。此外,来源本地化分析表明,听觉,颞下,感觉运动,额叶前部和海马旁区域可能与引发MMNm偏离度量标准有关。这些发现表明,音乐培养的效果可以在MMNm对特定指标位置上的衰减音调的响应上进行测量。



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