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Some like it hot: factors impacting thermal preferences of two Ponto-Caspian amphipods Dikerogammarus villosus (Sovinsky 1894) and Dikerogammarus haemobaphes (Eichwald 1841)

机译:一些喜欢它的人:影响两个蓬图里海两栖动物的热偏好的因素Dikerogammarus villosus(Sovinsky1894)和Dikerogammarus haemobaphes(Eichwald1841)



Temperature is a crucial factor determining biology and ecology of poikilothermic animals. It often constitutes an important barrier for invasive species originating from different climate zones but, on the other hand, may facilitate the invasion process of animals with wide thermal preferences and high resistance to extreme temperatures. In our experimental study, we investigated the thermal behaviour of two Ponto-Caspian amphipod crustaceans—Dikerogammarus villosus and Dikerogammarus haemobaphes. Both species are known to live under a wide range of thermal conditions which may promote their invasion. Moreover, both these amphipods are hosts for microsporidian parasites which co-evolved with them within the Ponto-Caspian region and spread in European waters. As the presence of a parasite may influence the thermal preferences of its host, we expected to observe behavioural changes in infected individuals of the studied amphipods leading to (1) behavioural fever (selecting a warmer habitat) or (2) anapyrexia (selecting a colder habitat). The experiment (N = 20) was carried out for 30 min in a 100 cm. 20 cm from boths sides were not avaliable for amphipods long thermal gradient (0–40 °C), using 30 randomly selected adult amphipod individuals of one species. At the end of each trial, we checked the position of amphipods along the gradient and determined their sex and infection status (uninfected or infected by one of microsporidium species). D. villosus was infected with Cucumispora dikerogammari whereas D. haemobaphes was a host for C. dikerogammari, Dictyocoela muelleri or D. berillonum. Thermal preferences of amphipods depended on their species and sex. Females of D. villosus preferred warmer microhabitats (often much above 30 °C) than conspecific males and females of D. haemobaphes, whereas no significant differences were found among males of both species and both sexes of D. haemobaphes. Moreover, infected males of D. villosus stayed in warmer water more often than uninfected males of this species, selecting temperatures higher than 30 °C, which may be explained either as a behavioural fever constituting a defence mechanism of a host against the infection, or as a parasite manipulation of the host behaviour increasing the parasite fitness. On the other hand, none of the parasite species affected the thermal preferences of D. haemobaphes, including also C. dikerogammari, changing the behaviour of D. villosus. Our research presents the complexity of the thermal behaviour of studied amphipods and the evidence that microsporidia may trigger a change in temperature preferendum of their host species and those observations may be the result of different host-parasite coevolution time which may vary for the two host species ().
机译:温度是决定poikilothermic动物的生物学和生态学的关键因素。它通常构成来自不同气候区的入侵物种的重要屏障,但另一方面,它可以促进具有广泛热偏好和对极端温度的高抵抗力的动物的入侵过程。在我们的实验研究中,我们研究了两个里海两栖类甲壳纲甲壳动物(Dikerogammarus villosus和Dikerogammarus haemobaphes)的热行为。已知这两种物种都生活在可能促进其入侵的广泛热条件下。此外,这两种双足纲动物都是微孢子虫寄生虫的寄主,它们在蓬图里海地区共同进化,并在欧洲水域传播。由于寄生虫的存在可能会影响其宿主的热偏好,因此我们期望观察被研究的两栖动物感染个体的行为变化,从而导致(1)行为发烧(选择较温暖的栖息地)或(2)厌食症(选择较冷的)栖息地)。实验(N = 20)在100厘米内进行30分钟。使用30种随机选择的一种物种的成年两栖类动物,两面距离20 cm的两栖类动物不具有较长的热梯度(0–40°C)。在每个试验的最后,我们检查了两栖类动物沿着梯度的位置,并确定了它们的性别和感染状态(未感染或被一种微孢子虫感染)。 D.villosus感染了Cucumispora dikerogammari,而D.haemobaphes是C.dikerogammari,Dictyocoela muelleri或D.berillonum的宿主。两栖类动物的热偏好取决于它们的种类和性别。比起同种的雄性和雌性D.villosus,雌性更喜欢温暖的微生境(通常在30°C以上),而这两个物种和雄性的雄性之间都没有发现显着差异。此外,被感染的D.villosus雄性比未感染该种雄性更常呆在温水中,选择温度高于30°C,这可能被解释为构成宿主防御感染机制的行为热,或作为寄生虫对宿主行为的操纵,增加了寄生虫的适应性。另一方面,没有任何一种寄生虫物种影响嗜血杆菌的热偏好,包括狄氏疟原虫(C. dikerogammari)也不会改变嗜血杆菌的行为。我们的研究提出了被研究的两栖类动物热行为的复杂性,以及微孢子虫可能触发其宿主物种温度偏好的变化的证据,这些观察结果可能是不同宿主寄生虫共进化时间的结果,这两种宿主物种可能有所不同()。



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