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Partitioning the efficiency of utilization of amino acids in growing broilers: Multiple linear regression and multivariate approaches




Determining the efficiency of amino acid (AA) utilization in growing animals is crucial to estimate their requirement accurately. In broiler chickens, the composition of AA in feather is different from feather-free body and the proportion of feathers will change along broiler’s growth, which may impact the efficiency of utilization on AA consumed. Therefore, in order to establish a method that predicts the efficiency of utilization for feather-free body and feather, two approaches were evaluated: a multiple linear regression and a multivariate analysis. Additionally, a new factorial model was proposed to predict AA requirements in broiler chickens. Data from 13 trials that evaluated the requirements for lysine (Lys), sulphur AA (SAA), threonine (Thr), and valine (Val) in male broilers were used for the analyses. Both methods of analysis were consistent in showing that the efficiency of utilization in feather-free body and feather were different. Using multiple linear regression, the values of efficiency of utilization estimated in feather-free body were 0.68, 0.72, 0.81, 0.79 (mg of amino acid deposited / mg of amino acid consumed above maintenance) and in feather were 0.58, 0.77, 0.78, and 1.57 (mg/mg) for Lys, SAA, Thr, and Val, respectively. Applying the multivariate approach, the corresponding predicted values were 0.68, 0.67, 4.23, 0.27 (mg/mg) in feather-free body and 1.16, 0.86, 0.16, and 1.10 (mg/mg) in feather, respectively. According to the results, efficiency of utilization may be related, to some extent, on the concentration determined in each tissue. The uncertainty around the amount of AA consumed for gain directed to feather-free body or feather deposition could be a limitation for multivariate analyses. The results indicated that multiple linear regression predictions may be better estimates of utilization efficiency. However, more studies are needed to elucidate the effect of age on deposition and partitioning of dietary AA in different parts of the broiler.
机译:确定正在生长的动物中氨基酸(AA)的利用效率对于准确估算其需求至关重要。在肉鸡中,羽毛中AA的组成与无羽毛的身体不同,羽毛的比例会随着肉鸡的生长而变化,这可能会影响AA消耗的利用率。因此,为了建立一种预测无羽毛身体和羽毛利用效率的方法,评估了两种方法:多元线性回归和多元分析。此外,提出了一种新的析因模型来预测肉鸡的AA需求量。该分析使用了13个试验的数据,这些试验评估了雄性肉鸡中赖氨酸(Lys),AA硫(SAA),苏氨酸(Thr)和缬氨酸(Val)的需求量。两种分析方法均一致,表明无羽毛的身体和羽毛的利用效率不同。使用多元线性回归,在无羽毛的身体中估计的利用效率值为0.68、0.72、0.81、0.79(沉积的氨基酸毫克/维持后消耗的氨基酸毫克),在羽毛中的利用率为0.58、0.77、0.78, Lys,SAA,Thr和Val分别为1.57(mg / mg)。应用多变量方法,无羽毛体的相应预测值分别为0.68、0.67、4.23、0.27(mg / mg),羽毛的预测值分别为1.16、0.86、0.16和1.10(mg / mg)。根据结果​​,利用效率可能在某种程度上与每个组织中确定的浓度有关。用于无羽毛的身体或羽毛沉积的增益所消耗的AA量的不确定性可能会限制多变量分析。结果表明,多个线性回归预测可能是利用率的更好估计。然而,需要更多的研究来阐明年龄对肉鸡不同部位日粮AA沉积和分配的影响。



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