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DNA-strand molecular beacon optical processor




Due to the characteristics of the newly developed DNA computing, many researchers are interested in this specialty. One advantage of DNA " Deoxyribonucleic acid" is that it has ability to resolve a Boolean circuit with various types of gates at the same time in a single level. Most of the prior models suffered from the limitations that each level of the circuit requests the gates to be of some kind. The model proposed in this work increases parallelism and reduces human intervention to a tremendous extent. When level-wise simulation is executed, the simulation for each model shows the decrease in the number of nitrogen bases used, which leads to the processing of the largest number of data with the ability to increase the length of a word, in addition to the adoption of the parallel principle of implementation. The model is designed on a mechanism which includes adder and multiplier.
机译:由于新开发的DNA计算的特性,许多研究人员对该专业感兴趣。 DNA“脱氧核糖核酸”的一个优势在于,它能够在单个级别上同时解析具有各种类型门的布尔电路。大多数现有模型都受到电路每一级要求门具有某种限制的限制。这项工作中提出的模型提高了并行度,并极大地减少了人为干预。当执行逐级模拟时,对每个模型的模拟都表明所用氮碱基的数量减少了,这不仅导致了最大数量数据的处理,而且具有增加单词长度的能力。采用并行执行原则。该模型是在包括加法器和乘法器的机制上设计的。



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