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Promotion and consumption of commercially produced foods among children: situation analysis in an urban setting in Senegal




This study assessed the promotion of commercially produced foods and consumption of these products by children less than 24 months of age in Dakar Department, Senegal. Interviews with 293 mothers of children attending child health clinics assessed maternal exposure to promotion and maternal recall of foods consumed by the child on the preceding day. Promotion of breastmilk substitutes and commercially produced complementary foods outside health facilities was common with 41.0% and 37.2% of mothers, respectively, reporting product promotions since the birth of their youngest child. Promotion of commercially produced snack food products was more prevalent, observed by 93.5% of mothers. While all mothers reported having breastfed their child, only 20.8% of mothers breastfed their newborn within the first hour after delivery, and 44.7% fed pre‐lacteal feeds in the first 3 days after delivery. Of children 6–23 months of age, 20.2% had consumed a breastmilk substitute; 49.1% ate a commercially produced complementary food, and 58.7% ate a commercially produced snack food product on the previous day. There is a need to stop the promotion of breastmilk substitutes, including infant formula, follow‐up formula, and growing‐up milks. More stringent regulations and enforcement could help to eliminate such promotion to the public through the media and in stores. Promotion of commercial snack foods is concerning, given the high rates of consumption of such foods by children under the age of 2 years. Efforts are needed to determine how best to reduce such promotion and encourage replacement of these products with more nutritious foods.
机译:这项研究评估了塞内加尔达喀尔市24岁以下的儿童对商业生产食品的促进以及这些产品的消费。对在儿童保健诊所接受治疗的293名儿童的母亲进行的采访评估了母亲在前一天对儿童食用的食物的促进程度和母亲的召回率。在卫生机构以外推广母乳替代品和商业生产的辅助食品的情况很普遍,分别有41.0%和37.2%的母亲有报道,自从最小的孩子出生以来就开始宣传产品。 93.5%的母亲认为,商业生产休闲食品的促销更为普遍。尽管所有母亲均报告说已为孩子进行母乳喂养,但只有20.8%的母亲在分娩后的头一个小时内对新生儿进行母乳喂养,而44.7%的母亲在分娩后的前三天进行了哺乳前喂养。在6-23个月大的儿童中,有20.2%的人食用了母乳代用品;在前一天,有49.1%的人食用了商业生产的辅助食品,有58.7%的人食用了商业生产的休闲食品。有必要停止推广母乳替代品,包括婴儿配方奶粉,后续配方奶粉和成长乳。更加严格的法规和执法可以帮助消除通过媒体和商店向公众的这种促销。鉴于2岁以下儿童对此类休闲食品的消费很高,因此推广商用休闲食品令人担忧。需要努力确定如何最好地减少这种促销并鼓励用更多营养的食品代替这些产品。



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