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Oxytocin conditions trait-based rule adherence




Rules, whether in the form of norms, taboos or laws, regulate and coordinate human life. Some rules, however, are arbitrary and adhering to them can be personally costly. Rigidly sticking to such rules can be considered maladaptive. Here, we test whether, at the neurobiological level, (mal)adaptive rule adherence is reduced by oxytocin—a hypothalamic neuropeptide that biases the biobehavioural approach-avoidance system. Participants (N = 139) self-administered oxytocin or placebo intranasally, and reported their need for structure and approach-avoidance sensitivity. Next, participants made binary decisions and were given an arbitrary rule that demanded to forgo financial benefits. Under oxytocin, participants violated the rule more often, especially when they had high need for structure and high approach sensitivity. Possibly, oxytocin dampens the need for a highly structured environment and enables individuals to flexibly trade-off internal desires against external restrictions. Implications for the treatment of clinical disorders marked by maladaptive rule adherence are discussed.
机译:规则,无论是规范,禁忌还是法律形式,都规范和协调着人们的生活。但是,有些规则是任意的,遵守这些规则可能会造成个人高昂的代价。严格遵守此类规则可被认为是适应不良的行为。在这里,我们测试了在催产素(一种下丘脑神经肽,偏向生物行为方法避免系统)的神经生物学水平上,(不良)适应规则的依从性是否降低。参与者(N = 139)通过鼻内自行施用催产素或安慰剂,并报告了他们对结构和避免接触敏感性的需求。接下来,参与者做出二元决策,并被赋予任意规则,要求放弃经济利益。在催产素的作用下,参与者更经常违反该规则,尤其是当他们对结构有很高的需求和高度的进近敏感性时。催产素可能会抑制对高度结构化环境的需求,并使个人能够灵活权衡内部需求与外部限制。讨论了适应不良的规则依从性对临床疾病的治疗意义。



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