首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Lipid Research >Brown adipose tissue takes up plasma triglycerides mostly after lipolysis

Brown adipose tissue takes up plasma triglycerides mostly after lipolysis




Brown adipose tissue (BAT) produces heat by burning TGs that are stored within intracellular lipid droplets and need to be replenished by the uptake of TG-derived FA from plasma. It is currently unclear whether BAT takes up FA via uptake of TG-rich lipoproteins (TRLs), after lipolysis-mediated liberation of FA, or via a combination of both. Therefore, we generated glycerol tri[3H]oleate and [14C]cholesteryl oleate double-labeled TRL-mimicking particles with an average diameter of 45, 80, and 150 nm (representing small VLDL to chylomicrons) and injected these intravenously into male C57Bl/6J mice. At room temperature (21°C), the uptake of 3H-activity by BAT, expressed per gram of tissue, was much higher than the uptake of 14C-activity, irrespective of particle size, indicating lipolysis-mediated uptake of TG-derived FA rather than whole particle uptake. Cold exposure (7°C) increased the uptake of FA derived from the differently sized particles by BAT, while retaining the selectivity for uptake of FA over cholesteryl ester (CE). At thermoneutrality (28°C), total FA uptake by BAT was attenuated, but the specificity of uptake of FA over CE was again largely retained. Altogether, we conclude that, in our model, BAT takes up plasma TG preferentially by means of lipolysis-mediated uptake of FA.
机译:棕色脂肪组织(BAT)通过燃烧储存在细胞内脂质小滴中的TG产生热量,需要通过从血浆中摄取TG衍生的FA来补充。目前尚不清楚BAT是否通过脂解介导的FA的吸收,富含TG的脂蛋白(TRL)的吸收或两者的结合而吸收FA。因此,我们生成了甘油三[ 3 H]油酸酯和[ 14 C]油酸胆固醇酯双标记TRL模拟颗粒,平均直径为45、80和150纳米(代表小VLDL为乳糜微粒)并将其静脉内注射到雄性C57Bl / 6J小鼠中。在室温(21°C)下,每克组织表达的BAT对 3 H活性的吸收远高于 14 C活性的吸收,无论粒径大小如何,都表明脂解介导的TG衍生FA的摄取,而不是整个颗粒的摄取。冷暴露(7°C)增加了BAT对源自不同粒径颗粒的FA的吸收,同时保留了相对于胆固醇酯(CE)吸收FA的选择性。在热中性(28°C)下,BAT吸收的FA总量有所减少,但相对于CE吸收FA的特异性又再次得以保留。总而言之,我们得出结论,在我们的模型中,BAT通过脂解介导的FA摄取优先吸收血浆TG。



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