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Comparative Study of Experimental and Theoretical Evaluation of Nocturnal Cooling System for Room Cooling for Clear and Cloudy Sky Climate




Nocturnal radiation is one of the effective passive cooling technologies by infrared radiation exchange between earthly surfaces and the sky. Heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are highly energy‐demanding and there is a need to develop alternative low‐energy means to achieve comfort. Radiative cooling reduces the electricity requirements, which normally is generated through fossil fuels, in order to run active cooling systems. During the day, this is offset by solar radiation gains on the roof; however, at night, this heat loss has the ability to cool air, as roofs can experience a temperature drop of 2–12 °C below ambient. The experimental investigation of the aluminum material and their surface colors on nocturnal cooling is presented for clear and cloudy sky conditions. The material of aluminum and black color coating are considered. Results obtained reveal that the plates' performances greatly depend on the presence of clouds in the night. The best results are obtained in a clear sky summer climate condition than in the cloudy sky condition. The net cooling rate of night sky radiation system for without and with coating on aluminum of mass flow rate 0.05 kg s−1 is near about 72.30–80.99 W m−2 for clear sky and 48.75–53.25 W m−2 for cloudy sky condition.
机译:夜间辐射是地球表面与天空之间进行红外辐射交换的有效被动冷却技术之一。采暖通风和空调(HVAC)系统对能源的要求很高,因此需要开发替代的低能耗方法来获得舒适感。为了运行主动冷却系统,辐射冷却降低了通常由化石燃料产生的电力需求。白天,这可以通过屋顶上的太阳辐射获得抵消。但是,在晚上,这种热量损失具有冷却空气的能力,因为屋顶会比周围环境温度降低2–12°C。在晴朗和多云的天空条件下,对铝材料及其表面颜色进行了夜间冷却的实验研究。考虑铝和黑色涂层的材料。获得的结果表明,这些板的性能很大程度上取决于夜间是否有云。在晴朗的夏季气候条件下比在多云的天空条件下可获得最佳结果。对于质量流量为0.05 kg s s -1 的铝,无涂层和有铝涂层的夜空辐射系统的净冷却速率大约为72.30–80.99 W m −2 晴朗的天空和48.75–53.25 W m −2 用于多云的天空。



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