首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Neurophysiology >Decision Making: Neural Mechanisms: Neuronal variability in orbitofrontal cortex during economic decisions

Decision Making: Neural Mechanisms: Neuronal variability in orbitofrontal cortex during economic decisions




Neuroeconomic models assume that economic decisions are based on the activity of offer value cells in the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), but testing this assertion has proven difficult. In principle, the decision made on a given trial should correlate with the stochastic fluctuations of these cells. However, this correlation, measured as a choice probability (CP), is small. Importantly, a neuron's CP reflects not only its individual contribution to the decision (termed readout weight), but also the intensity and the structure of correlated variability across the neuronal population (termed noise correlation). A precise mathematical relation between CPs, noise correlations, and readout weights was recently derived by Haefner and colleagues (Haefner RM, Gerwinn S, Macke JH, Bethge M. Nat Neurosci 16: 235–242, 2013) for a linear decision model. In this framework, concurrent measurements of noise correlations and CPs can provide quantitative information on how a population of cells contributes to a decision. Here we examined neuronal variability in the OFC of rhesus monkeys during economic decisions. Noise correlations had similar structure but considerably lower strength compared with those typically measured in sensory areas during perceptual decisions. In contrast, variability in the activity of individual cells was high and comparable to that recorded in other cortical regions. Simulation analyses based on Haefner's equation showed that noise correlations measured in the OFC combined with a plausible readout of offer value cells reproduced the experimental measures of CPs. In other words, the results obtained for noise correlations and those obtained for CPs taken together support the hypothesis that economic decisions are primarily based on the activity of offer value cells.
机译:神经经济学模型假设经济决策是基于眶额皮质(OFC)中提供价值单元的活动来进行的,但事实证明,测试这种说法很困难。原则上,在给定试验中做出的决定应与这些细胞的随机波动相关。但是,以选择概率(CP)衡量的这种相关性很小。重要的是,神经元的CP不仅反映其对决策的个体贡献(称为读出权重),而且还反映整个神经元群体的相关变异性的强度和结构(称为噪声相关性)。 Haefner及其同事(Haefner RM,Gerwinn S,Macke JH,Bethge M. Nat Neurosci 16:235–242,2013)最近推导了线性规划模型的CP,噪声相关性和读数权重之间的精确数学关系。在此框架中,噪声相关性和CP的并行测量可以提供有关细胞种群如何有助于决策的定量信息。在这里,我们研究了经济决策期间恒河猴OFC中的神经元变异性。噪声相关具有相似的结构,但与在感知决策过程中通常在感觉区域中测得的强度相比,强度要低得多。相反,单个细胞活性的变异性很高,与其他皮层区域的变异性相当。基于Haefner方程的仿真分析表明,在OFC中测得的噪声相关性与对报价单元格的合理读数相结合,再现了CP的实验方法。换句话说,噪声相关性获得的结果和CP所获得的结果一起支持了以下假设:经济决策主要基于报价价值单元的活动。



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