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On the Chemistry and Physical Properties of Flux and Floating Zone Grown SmB6 Single Crystals




Recent theoretical and experimental findings suggest the long-known but not well understood low temperature resistance plateau of SmB6 may originate from protected surface states arising from a topologically non-trivial bulk band structure having strong Kondo hybridization. Yet others have ascribed this feature to impurities, vacancies, and surface reconstructions. Given the typical methods used to prepare SmB6 single crystals, flux and floating-zone procedures, such ascriptions should not be taken lightly. We demonstrate how compositional variations and/or observable amounts of impurities in SmB6 crystals grown using both procedures affect the physical properties. From X-ray diffraction, neutron diffraction, and X-ray computed tomography experiments we observe that natural isotope containing (SmB6) and doubly isotope enriched (154Sm11B6) crystals prepared using aluminum flux contain co-crystallized, epitaxial aluminum. Further, a large, nearly stoichiometric crystal of SmB6 was successfully grown using the float-zone technique; upon continuing the zone melting, samarium vacancies were introduced. These samarium vacancies drastically alter the resistance and plateauing magnitude of the low temperature resistance compared to stoichiometric SmB6. These results highlight that impurities and compositional variations, even at low concentrations, must be considered when collecting/analyzing physical property data of SmB6. Finally, a more accurate samarium-154 coherent neutron scattering length, 8.9(1) fm, is reported.
机译:最近的理论和实验发现表明,SmB6长期以来广为人知但尚不为人所知的耐低温平稳性可能源自受保护的表面态,这种表面态是由具有强近藤杂交能力的拓扑结构中不重要的体带结构引起的。还有其他人将此特征归因于杂质,空位和表面重建。鉴于用于制备SmB6单晶的典型方法,助熔剂和浮区法,不应轻视此类归属。我们演示了使用两种方法生长的SmB6晶体中的成分变化和/或可观察到的杂质量如何影响物理性能。通过X射线衍射,中子衍射和X射线计算机断层摄影实验,我们观察到包含(SmB6)和双同位素富集( 154 Sm 11 B6)的天然同位素用铝助熔剂制备的含有共结晶的外延铝。此外,使用浮区技术成功生长了一个大的,接近化学计量的SmB6晶体。随着区域熔化的继续,引入了mar空位。与化学计量的SmB6相比,这些sa空位极大地改变了低温电阻的电阻和平稳幅度。这些结果表明,在收集/分析SmB6的物理性质数据时,即使在低浓度下也要考虑杂质和成分变化。最后,报告了更精确的sa 154相干中子散射长度8.9(1)fm。



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