首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>SpringerPlus >Convergence of batch gradient learning with smoothing regularization and adaptive momentum for neural networks

Convergence of batch gradient learning with smoothing regularization and adaptive momentum for neural networks




This paper presents new theoretical results on the backpropagation algorithm with smoothing L1/2 regularization and adaptive momentum for feedforward neural networks with a single hidden layer, i.e., we show that the gradient of error function goes to zero and the weight sequence goes to a fixed point as n (n is iteration steps) tends to infinity, respectively. Also, our results are more general since we do not require the error function to be quadratic or uniformly convex, and neuronal activation functions are relaxed. Moreover, compared with existed algorithms, our novel algorithm can get more sparse network structure, namely it forces weights to become smaller during the training and can eventually removed after the training, which means that it can simply the network structure and lower operation time. Finally, two numerical experiments are presented to show the characteristics of the main results in detail.
机译:本文提出了具有平滑L1 / 2正则化和自适应动量的反向传播算法的理论结果,该算法具有单个隐藏层的前馈神经网络,即,表明误差函数的梯度变为零且权重序列变为固定n(n是迭代步长)分别趋于无穷大。同样,我们的结果更为笼统,因为我们不需要误差函数是二次方或均匀凸的,并且神经元激活函数是松弛的。而且,与现有算法相比,我们的新算法可以得到更稀疏的网络结构,即在训练过程中迫使权重变小,并且在训练后最终可以去除权重,这意味着它可以简化网络结构并缩短运算时间。最后,通过两个数值实验详细说明了主要结果的特征。



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