首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Tissue Engineering. Part C Methods >Collection Cryopreservation and Characterization of Human Dental Pulp–Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Banking and Clinical Use

Collection Cryopreservation and Characterization of Human Dental Pulp–Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Banking and Clinical Use




Recent studies have shown that mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) with the potential for cell-mediated therapies and tissue engineering applications can be isolated from extracted dental tissues. Here, we investigated the collection, processing, and cryobiological characteristics of MSC from human teeth processed under current good tissue practices (cGTP). Viable dental pulp–derived MSC (DPSC) cultures were isolated from 31 of 40 teeth examined. Of eight DPSC cultures examined more thoroughly, all expressed appropriate cell surface markers and underwent osteogenic, adipogenic, and chondrogenic differentiation in appropriate differentiation medium, thus meeting criteria to be called MSC. Viable DPSC were obtained up to 120 h postextraction. Efficient recovery of DPSC from cryopreserved intact teeth and second-passage DPSC cultures was achieved. These studies indicate that DPSC isolation is feasible for at least 5 days after tooth extraction, and imply that processing immediately after extraction may not be required for successful banking of DPSC. Further, the recovery of viable DPSC after cryopreservation of intact teeth suggests that minimal processing may be needed for the banking of samples with no immediate plans for expansion and use. These initial studies will facilitate the development of future cGTP protocols for the clinical banking of MSC.
机译:最近的研究表明,可以从提取的牙齿组织中分离出具有细胞介导疗法和组织工程应用潜力的间充质干细胞(MSC)。在这里,我们调查了在目前的良好组织规范(cGTP)下加工过的人类牙齿中MSC的收集,加工和冷冻生物学特性。从所检查的40颗牙齿中的31颗中分离出了可行的牙髓来源的MSC(DPSC)培养物。在更彻底检查的八种DPSC培养物中,所有的DPSC培养物均表达了合适的细胞表面标志物,并在合适的分化培养基中进行了成骨,成脂和成软骨分化,因此符合被称为MSC的标准。提取后最多120 h获得了可行的DPSC。从冻存的完整牙齿和第二代DPSC培养物中有效恢复了DPSC。这些研究表明,在拔牙后至少5天之内进行DPSC隔离是可行的,这暗示了拔牙后立即进行加工对于成功保存DPSC可能不是必需的。此外,冷冻保存完好的牙齿后恢复有活力的DPSC表明,对于样品的保存可能需要最少的处理,而没有立即进行扩展和使用的计划。这些初步研究将有助于为MSC的临床银行开发未来的cGTP协议。



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