首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London >Mineral waters across the Channel: matter theory and natural history from Samuel Ducloss minerallogenesis to Martin Listers chymical magnetism ca. 1666–86

Mineral waters across the Channel: matter theory and natural history from Samuel Ducloss minerallogenesis to Martin Listers chymical magnetism ca. 1666–86

机译:横跨海峡的矿泉水:物质理论和自然历史从塞缪尔·杜克洛斯(Samuel Duclos)的成矿作用到马丁·李斯特(Martin Lister)的食糜磁性ca。 1666–86



Our essay analyses a little-known book, Observations sur les eaux minerales des plusieurs provinces de France (1675), which is a study of French mineral waters, commissioned by and conducted at the French Royal Academy of Science (est. 1666). Its author, Samuel Cottereau Duclos (1598–1685), was a senior founding figure of the Academy, its chief chymist and one of its most influential members. We examine Observations with a focus on the changing attitudes towards chymical knowledge and practice in the French Academy and the Royal Society of London in the period 1666–84. Chymistry was a fundamental analytical tool for seventeenth-century natural historians, and, as the work of Lawrence Principe and William Newman has shown, it is central to understanding the ‘long’ Scientific Revolution. Much study has also been done on the developing norms of openness in the dissemination and presentation of scientific, and particularly chymical knowledge in the late seventeenth century, norms that were at odds with traditions of secrecy among individual chymists. Between these two standards a tension arose, evidenced by early modern ‘vociferous criticisms’ of chymical obscurity, with different strategies developed by individual philosophers for negotiating the emergent boundaries between secrecy and openness. Less well studied, however, are the strategies by which not just individuals but also scientific institutions negotiated these boundaries, particularly in the formative years of their public and political reputation in the late seventeenth century. Michael Hunter's recent and welcome study of the ‘decline of magic’ at the Royal Society has to some extent remedied these omissions. Hunter argues that the Society—as a corporate body—disregarded and avoided studies of magical and alchemical subjects in the late seventeenth century. Our examination problematizes these distinctions and presents a more complex picture.
机译:我们的文章分析了一本鲜为人知的著作,《法国观察家的观察》(1675年),这是对法国矿泉水的研究,由法国皇家科学院委托并在法国皇家科学院(1666年)进行。它的作者塞缪尔·科特劳·杜克洛斯(Samuel Cottereau Duclos,1598年至1685年)是该学院的高级创始人物,其首席chymist和最有影响力的成员之一。我们以1666-84年间法国学院和伦敦皇家学会对观察法知识和实践的态度变化为重点来考察观察。对于17世纪的自然历史学家而言,化学工业是一种基本的分析工具,正如劳伦斯·普林西比(Lawrence Principe)和威廉·纽曼(William Newman)的研究表明的那样,化学工业对于理解“漫长的”科学革命至关重要。在十七世纪末期,在科学和特别是关于律法学知识的传播和呈现方面,关于开放性发展中的规范也进行了许多研究,这些规范与个别律法学专家之间的保密传统背道而驰。在这两个标准之间,产生了一种紧张关系,这是由早期现代对食堂模糊性的“讽刺批评”所证明的,并且各个哲学家为协商保密性和开放性之间出现的界限而制定了不同的策略。然而,研究较少的是不仅个人而且科学机构都通过这种策略来谈判这些界限的策略,尤其是在其十七世纪末的公共和政治声誉形成时期。迈克尔·亨特(Michael Hunter)最近在皇家学会(Royal Society)上对“魔法衰落”的研究表示欢迎,在一定程度上弥补了这些遗漏。亨特认为,作为一个社团的协会,在十七世纪末期无视并避免了对魔术和炼金术主题的研究。我们的考试对这些区别提出了问题,并提出了更为复杂的情况。



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