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Formation of the Thiol Conjugates and Active Metabolite of Clopidogrel by Human Liver Microsomes




We reported previously the formation of a glutathionyl conjugate of the active metabolite (AM) of clopidogrel and the covalent modification of a cysteinyl residue of human cytochrome P450 2B6 in a reconstituted system (Mol Pharmacol >80:839–847, 2011). In this work, we extended our studies of the metabolism of clopidogrel to human liver microsomes in the presence of four reductants, namely, GSH, l-Cys, N-acetyl-l-cysteine (NAC), and ascorbic acid. Our results demonstrated that formation of the AM was greatly affected by the reductant used and the relative amounts of the AM formed were increased in the following order: NAC (17%) < l-Cys (53%) < ascorbic acid (61%) < GSH (100%). AM-thiol conjugates were observed in the presence of NAC, l-Cys, and GSH. In the case of GSH, the formation of both the AM and the glutathionyl conjugate was dependent on the GSH concentrations, with similar Km values of ∼0.5 mM, which indicates that formation of the thiol conjugates constitutes an integral part of the bioactivation processes for clopidogrel. It was observed that the AM was slowly converted to the thiol conjugate, with a half-life of ∼10 h. Addition of dithiothreitol to the reaction mixture reversed the conversion, which resulted in a decrease in AM-thiol conjugate levels and a concomitant increase in AM levels, whereas addition of NAC led to the formation of AM-NAC and a concomitant decrease in AM-GSH levels. These results not only confirm that the AM is formed through oxidative opening of the thiolactone ring but also suggest the existence of an equilibrium between the AM, the thiol conjugates, and the reductants. These factors may affect the effective concentrations of the AM in vivo.
机译:我们先前曾报道过氯吡格雷活性代谢产物(AM)的谷胱甘肽共轭物的形成和重组细胞中人细胞色素P450 2B6半胱氨酸残基的共价修饰(Mol Pharmacol > 80: 839-847 ,2011)。在这项工作中,我们在存在四种还原剂(即GSH,1-Cys,N-乙酰基-1-半胱氨酸(NAC)和抗坏血酸)的情况下,将氯吡格雷的代谢研究扩展到了人的肝微粒体。我们的结果表明,AM的形成受所用还原剂的影响很大,并且AM的相对形成量按以下顺序增加:NAC(17%)<1-Cys(53%)<抗坏血酸(61%)



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