首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism >Effects of Conjugated Equine Estrogens on Cognition and Affect in Postmenopausal Women with Prior Hysterectomy

Effects of Conjugated Equine Estrogens on Cognition and Affect in Postmenopausal Women with Prior Hysterectomy




>Context: Different menopausal hormone therapies may have varied effects on specific cognitive functions. We previously reported that conjugated equine estrogens (CEE) with medroxyprogesterone acetate had a negative impact on verbal memory but tended to impact figural memory positively over time in older postmenopausal women.>Objective: The objective of the study was to determine the effects of unopposed CEE on changes in domain-specific cognitive function and affect in older postmenopausal women with prior hysterectomy.>Design: This was a randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial.>Setting: The study was conducted at 14 of 40 Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) clinical centers.>Participants: Participants were 886 postmenopausal women with prior hysterectomy, aged 65 yr and older (mean 74 yr), free of probable dementia, and enrolled in the WHI and WHI Memory Study (WHIMS) CEE-Alone trial for a mean of 3 yr and followed up for a mean of 2.70 yr.>Intervention: Intervention was 0.625 mg of CEE daily or placebo.>Main Outcome Measures: Annual rates of change in specific cognitive functions and affect, adjusted for time since randomization, were measured.>Results: Compared with placebo, unopposed CEE was associated with lower spatial rotational ability (P < 0.01) at initial assessment (after 3 yr of treatment), a difference that diminished over 2.7 yr of continued treatment. CEE did not significantly influence change in other cognitive functions and affect.>Conclusions: CEE did not improve cognitive functioning in postmenopausal women with prior hysterectomy. CEE was associated with lower spatial rotational performance after an average of 3 yr of treatment. Overall, CEE does not appear to have enduring effects on rates of domain-specific cognitive change in older postmenopausal women.
机译:>背景:不同的更年期激素疗法可能会对特定的认知功能产生不同的影响。我们先前曾报道,马甲雌激素与醋酸甲羟孕酮共轭对雌性言语记忆有负面影响,但随着时间的推移,它倾向于对绝经后老年妇女的形象记忆产生积极影响。>目的:该研究的目的是确定未接受CEE对先前接受子宫切除术的绝经后老年妇女的领域特异性认知功能变化的影响和影响。>设计:这是一项随机,双盲,安慰剂对照的临床试验。>设置:该研究是在40个妇女健康倡议(WHI)临床中心中的14个进行的。>参与者:参与者是886名绝经后行子宫切除术的女性,年龄在65岁以上(平均74岁) ),没有可能的痴呆症,并参加了WHI和WHI记忆研究(WHIMS)CEE单独试验,平均进行了3年,随后平均进行了2.70年。>干预:每天0.625毫克CEE >主要结果指标:测量特定认知功能和情感的年度变化率,并根据随机化后的时间进行调整。>结果:与安慰剂相比,无障碍的CEE降低了与初始评估时(治疗3年后)较低的空间旋转能力(P <0.01)相关,这种差异在2.7年的持续治疗中有所减少。 CEE并未显着影响其他认知功能的变化和影响。>结论: CEE并未改善绝经后接受子宫切除术的女性的认知功能。平均治疗3年后,CEE与较低的空间旋转性能相关。总体而言,CEE似乎对绝经后老年妇女的特定领域认知变化率没有持久的影响。



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