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Manipulating the Gut Microbiota: Methods and Challenges




Eukaryotic organisms are colonized by rich and dynamic communities of microbes, both internally (e.g., in the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts) and externally (e.g., on skin and external mucosal surfaces). The vast majority of bacterial microbes reside in the lower gastrointestinal (GI) tract, and it is estimated that the gut of a healthy human is home to some 100 trillion bacteria, roughly an order of magnitude greater than the number of host somatic cells. The development of culture-independent methods to characterize the gut microbiota (GM) has spurred a renewed interest in its role in host health and disease. Indeed, associations have been identified between various changes in the composition of the GM and an extensive list of diseases, both enteric and systemic. Animal models provide a means whereby causal relationships between characteristic differences in the GM and diseases or conditions can be formally tested using genetically identical animals in highly controlled environments. Clearly, the GM and its interactions with the host and myriad environmental factors are exceedingly complex, and it is rare that a single microbial taxon associates with, much less causes, a phenotype with perfect sensitivity and specificity. Moreover, while the exact numbers are the subject of debate, it is well recognized that only a minority of gut bacteria can be successfully cultured ex vivo. Thus, to perform studies investigating causal roles of the GM in animal model phenotypes, researchers need clever techniques to experimentally manipulate the GM of animals, and several ingenious methods of doing so have been developed, each providing its own type of information and with its own set of advantages and drawbacks. The current review will focus on the various means of experimentally manipulating the GM of research animals, drawing attention to the factors that would aid a researcher in selecting an experimental approach, and with an emphasis on mice and rats, the primary model species used to evaluate the contribution of the GM to a disease phenotype.
机译:真核生物在内部(例如,在胃肠道和呼吸道中)和外部(例如,在皮肤和粘膜外表面)被丰富而动态的微生物群落定居。绝大多数细菌微生物都位于下消化道(GI),据估计,健康人的肠道内大约有100万亿细菌,大约比宿主体细胞的数量大一个数量级。表征肠道菌群(GM)的不依赖培养物的方法的发展引起了人们对其在宿主健康和疾病中的作用的新兴趣。实际上,已经确定了转基因成分的各种变化与广泛的肠道和全身性疾病之间的联系。动物模型提供了一种方法,通过该方法,可以在高度受控的环境中使用遗传相同的动物来正式测试GM的特征差异与疾病或状况之间的因果关系。显然,转基因及其与宿主和多种环境因素的相互作用极其复杂,而且很少有单一微生物分类群与具有理想敏感性和专一性的表型相关联,而少得多。而且,尽管确切的数目是争论的主题,但是众所周知,只有少数肠道细菌可以成功地离体培养。因此,为了进行研究转基因在动物模型表型中的因果作用的研究,研究人员需要聪明的技术来实验性地操纵动物的转基因,并且已经开发了几种巧妙的方法,每种方法都提供了自己的信息类型和自己的信息。一套优点和缺点。当前的审查将集中于通过实验方法操纵研究动物的转基因的各种手段,提请人们注意有助于研究人员选择实验方法的因素,并着重于小鼠和大鼠,这是用于评估动物的主要模型物种。 GM对疾病表型的贡献。



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