首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Games For Health Journal >Prose Fiction as a Narrative Companion for a Vegetable Parenting Videogame

Prose Fiction as a Narrative Companion for a Vegetable Parenting Videogame




>Objective: The purpose of this research is to explore the capacity of story to connect to a health-related videogame, as well as the qualities that may increase efficacy by making the story compelling. Parents of 3–5-year-old children often report difficulty getting their children to eat vegetables, which are protective against chronic illnesses. Videogames may be vehicles for training parenting practices for successful vegetable consumption outcomes but often rely on stories to provide context and details. Unfortunately, storytelling may interrupt immersion and player agency. Delivering stories outside of gameplay may provide an understanding of game situations while maintaining immersion.>Materials and Methods: Two companion storylines (one a romantic adventure and the other a suspenseful fantasy) were generated for a vegetable parenting game, “Mommio,” targeting mothers of preschool children. Mothers of 3–5-year-old children (n=18) read both storylines and completed semistructured interviews.>Results: Mothers preferred the romantic adventure, which featured strong characters, relatable issues, and an engaging plot. Most mothers were interested in playing the “Mommio” videogame after reading the stories.>Conclusions: Results suggest that it is possible for prose literature to both motivate gameplay and be an immersive narrative companion to, but separate from, games for health. This literature should include engaging, realistic stories and relatable strong characters.
机译:>目的:本研究的目的是探索故事与健康相关的视频游戏的关联能力,以及通过使故事引人入胜而可以提高功效的品质。 3至5岁儿童的父母经常报告说很难让他们的孩子吃蔬菜,因为蔬菜可以预防慢性病。电子游戏可能是训练育儿实践以取得成功的蔬菜食用成果的工具,但通常依靠故事来提供背景和细节。不幸的是,讲故事可能会打断沉浸感和玩家代理。在游戏玩法之外讲故事可以在保持沉浸感的同时提供对游戏情况的理解。>材料和方法:为蔬菜育儿游戏生成了两个同伴故事情节(一个浪漫的冒险故事,另一个悬疑的幻想), “ Mommio”,针对学龄前儿童的母亲。 3–5岁儿童的母亲(n = 18)阅读故事情节并完成半结构式访谈。>结果:母亲更喜欢浪漫的冒险经历,该经历具有强烈的性格,相关的问题和引人入胜的情节。 >结论:结果表明,散文文学既可以激发游戏玩法,又可以成为沉浸式叙事伴侣,但又与之分离,这是有可能的。健康游戏。这些文学作品应包括引人入胜,真实的故事和相关的人物。



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