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Biobanking in a Challenging African Environment: Unique Experience from the SIREN Project




Africa was previously insufficiently represented in the emerging discipline of biobanking despite commendable early efforts. However, with the Human, Heredity, and Health in Africa (H3Africa) initiative, biorepository science has been bolstered, regional biobanks are springing up, and awareness about biobanks is growing on the continent. The Stroke Investigative Research and Educational Network (SIREN) project is a transnational, multicenter, hospital and community-based study involving over 3000 cases and 3000 controls recruited from 16 sites in Ghana and Nigeria. SIREN aims to explore and unravel the genetic and environmental factors that interact to produce the peculiar phenotypic and clinical characteristics of stroke as seen in people of African ancestry and facilitate the development of new diagnostics, therapeutics, and preventative strategies. The aim of this article is to describe our experience with the development of the procedure for collection, processing, storage, and shipment of biological samples (blood, serum, plasma, buffy coat, red cell concentrates, and DNA) and brain imaging across coordinating and participating sites within the SIREN Project. The SIREN network was initiated in 2014 with support and funding from the H3Africa Initiative. The SIREN Biobank currently has 3015 brain images, 92,950 blood fractions (serum, plasma, red cell concentrates, and buffy coat) accrued from 8450 recruited subjects, and quantified and aliquoted good-quality DNA extracts from 6150 study subjects. This represents an invaluable resource for future research with expanding genomic and trans-omic technologies. This will facilitate the involvement of indigenous African samples in cutting-edge stroke genomics and trans-omics research. It is, however, critical to effectively engage African stroke patients and community members who have contributed precious biological materials to the SIREN Biobank to generate appropriate evidence base for dealing with ethical, legal, and social issues of privacy, autonomy, identifiability, biorights, governance issues, and public understanding of stroke biobanking in the context of unique African culture, language, and belief systems.
机译:尽管值得称赞的早期努力,非洲以前在新兴的生物银行学科中的代表性不足。但是,随着非洲人类,遗传和健康(H3Africa)计划的实施,生物存储科学得到了加强,区域生物库不断涌现,并且非洲大陆对生物库的意识正在增强。中风调查研究和教育网络(SIREN)项目是一项跨国,多中心,医院和社区为基础的研究,涉及从加纳和尼日利亚的16个地点招募的3000多例病例和3000名对照。 SIREN的目的是探索和阐明遗传和环境因素,这些因素相互作用产生非洲人祖先所见的中风的独特表型和临床特征,并促进新的诊断,治疗和预防策略的发展。本文的目的是描述我们在收集,处理,存储和运输生物样品(血液,血清,血浆,血沉棕黄层,红细胞浓缩液和DNA)的程序以及协调脑成像方面的经验。和SIREN项目中的参与站点。 SIREN网络是在H3Africa Initiative的支持和资助下于2014年启动的。 SIREN Biobank目前拥有3015幅大脑图像,92,950份血液部分(血清,血浆,红细胞浓缩物和血沉棕黄层),这些患者来自8450名新招募的受试者,并从6150名研究受试者中定量提取了等分的优质DNA提取物。随着扩展的基因组学和转基因组学技术的发展,这是未来研究的宝贵资源。这将有助于非洲土著样品参与前沿的中风基因组学和转基因组学研究。然而,至关重要的是,必须有效地与为SIREN生物库提供了宝贵生物材料的非洲中风患者和社区成员互动,为处理隐私,自治,可识别性,生物权利,治理等道德,法律和社会问题提供适当的证据基础。问题以及公众对非洲独特的文化,语言和信仰体系下中风生物库的理解。


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