首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Nematology >Effects of Fenamiphos on Pratylenchus penetransand Growth of Apple

Effects of Fenamiphos on Pratylenchus penetransand Growth of Apple

机译:苯丙胺磷对Partylenchus penetrans的影响与苹果的成长



A 3-year study was conducted to evaluate fenamiphos at 20.2 kg a.i./ha applied in both fall and spring or in spring only for the control of Pratylenchus penetrans on apple, Malus domestica cv. Granny Smith on M7a rootstock. The initial population densities of P. penetrans within the plot area were 89/250 cm³ soil and 268/g root dry weight. Fenamiphos increased (P < 0.05) trunk diameter in years 2 and 3 and shoot length in years 1 and 2. Yield data obtained in year 3 showed that the spring only and the fall plus spring fenamiphos treatments increased (P < 0.05) yields by 36 and 80% with a net gain of $2,352 and $5,456/ha, respectively. Results suggest that P. penetrans may be of economic importance in Washington state.
机译:进行了为期3年的研究,以评估在秋季和春季或春季施用的20.2 kg a.i./ha的苯丙胺磷仅用于控制苹果(Malus domestica cv)上的Pentylenchus penetrans。 M7a砧木上的史密斯奶奶。在该样地内,P。penetrans的初始种群密度为89/250cm³土壤和268 / g根干重。在第2年和第3年,苯丙胺磷增加(P <0.05)树干直径,在第1和2年时增加枝条长度。在第3年获得的产量数据显示,仅春季和秋季加春季服用fenamiphos处理的产量增加(P <0.05)36。和80%的净收益分别为$ 2,352和$ 5,456 / ha。结果表明,P.penetrans在华盛顿州可能具有重要的经济意义。



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