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Mentalizing under Uncertainty: Dissociated Neural Responses to Ambiguous and Unambiguous Mental State Inferences




The ability to read the minds of others (i.e., to mentalize) requires that perceivers understand a wide range of different kinds of mental states, including not only others’ beliefs and knowledge but also their feelings, desires, and preferences. Moreover, although such inferences may occasionally rely on observable features of a situation, perceivers more typically mentalize under conditions of “uncertainty,” in which they must generate plausible hypotheses about a target's mental state from ambiguous or otherwise underspecified information. Here, we use functional neuroimaging to dissociate the neural bases of these 2 distinct social–cognitive challenges: 1) mentalizing about different types of mental states (beliefs vs. preferences) and 2) mentalizing under conditions of varying ambiguity. Although these 2 aspects of mentalizing have typically been confounded in earlier research, we observed a double dissociation between the brain regions sensitive to type of mental state and ambiguity. Whereas ventral and dorsal aspects of medial prefrontal cortex responded more during ambiguous than unambiguous inferences regardless of the type of mental state, the right temporoparietal junction was sensitive to the distinction between beliefs and preferences irrespective of certainty. These results underscore the emerging consensus that, rather than comprising a single mental operation, social cognition makes flexible use of different processes as a function of the particular demands of the social context.
机译:能够阅读他人的思想(即进行心理思考)的能力要求感知者理解各种各样的精神状态,不仅包括他人的信仰和知识,还包括他们的感觉,欲望和偏好。而且,尽管这样的推论有时可能依赖于情况的可观察特征,但是感知者更典型地在“不确定性”条件下进行心理思考,在这种情况下,感知者必须从模棱两可或其他方式未明确说明的信息中得出有关目标人心理状态的合理假设。在这里,我们使用功能性神经影像技术来分离这两个截然不同的社会认知挑战的神经基础:1)对不同类型的心理状态(信念与偏好)进行心理思考; 2)在含糊不清的条件下进行心理思考。尽管这两个方面的精神化通常在早期研究中被混淆,但是我们观察到对精神状态类型和歧义敏感的大脑区域之间存在双重分离。不论精神状态的类型如何,前额内侧皮层的腹侧和背侧在模棱两可的推论中比在模棱两可的推论上的反应要强,而正确的颞顶交界处对信念和偏好之间的区分敏感,而与确定性无关。这些结果强调了新的共识,即社会认知不仅仅包含一个单一的心理操作,而是根据社会背景的特定需求灵活地使用不同的过程。



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