首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>International Journal of Molecular Sciences >Transplantation of Embryonic Spinal Cord Derived Cells Helps to Prevent Muscle Atrophy after Peripheral Nerve Injury

Transplantation of Embryonic Spinal Cord Derived Cells Helps to Prevent Muscle Atrophy after Peripheral Nerve Injury




Injuries to peripheral nerves are frequent in serious traumas and spinal cord injuries. In addition to surgical approaches, other interventions, such as cell transplantation, should be considered to keep the muscles in good condition until the axons regenerate. In this study, E14.5 rat embryonic spinal cord fetal cells and cultured neural progenitor cells from different spinal cord segments were injected into transected musculocutaneous nerve of 200–300 g female Sprague Dawley (SD) rats, and atrophy in biceps brachii was assessed. Both kinds of cells were able to survive, extend their axons towards the muscle and form neuromuscular junctions that were functional in electromyographic studies. As a result, muscle endplates were preserved and atrophy was reduced. Furthermore, we observed that the fetal cells had a better effect in reducing the muscle atrophy compared to the pure neural progenitor cells, whereas lumbar cells were more beneficial compared to thoracic and cervical cells. In addition, fetal lumbar cells were used to supplement six weeks delayed surgical repair after the nerve transection. Cell transplantation helped to preserve the muscle endplates, which in turn lead to earlier functional recovery seen in behavioral test and electromyography. In conclusion, we were able to show that embryonic spinal cord derived cells, especially the lumbar fetal cells, are beneficial in the treatment of peripheral nerve injuries due to their ability to prevent the muscle atrophy.
机译:在严重的创伤和脊髓损伤中,经常会损伤周围的神经。除手术方法外,还应考虑采取其他干预措施,例如细胞移植,以使肌肉保持良好状态,直至轴突再生。在这项研究中,将E14.5大鼠胚胎脊髓胎儿细胞和来自不同脊髓节段的培养的神经祖细胞注射入200-300 g雌性Sprague Dawley(SD)大鼠的横切肌皮神经中,并评估肱二头肌的萎缩。两种细胞都能够存活,将其轴突伸向肌肉,并形成在肌电图研究中起作用的神经肌肉接头。结果,保留了肌肉终板并减少了萎缩。此外,我们观察到与纯神经祖细胞相比,胎儿细胞在减少肌肉萎缩方面有更好的效果,而与胸和宫颈细胞相比,腰细胞更有益。此外,在神经横断后,使用胎儿腰细胞补充六周的延迟手术修复。细胞移植有助于保护肌肉终板,进而导致行为测试和肌电图检查发现较早的功能恢复。总之,我们能够证明胚胎脊髓衍生的细胞,特别是腰胎儿细胞,由于具有预防肌肉萎缩的能力,因此在治疗周围神经损伤方面是有益的。



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