首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>AJP Reports >A Case of Fatal Pulmonary Hypoplasia with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Thoracic Myelomeningocele and Thoracic Dysplasia

A Case of Fatal Pulmonary Hypoplasia with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Thoracic Myelomeningocele and Thoracic Dysplasia




>Background  Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) is fatal in severe cases of pulmonary hypoplasia. We experienced a fatal case of pulmonary hypoplasia due to CDH, thoracic myelomeningocele (MMC), and thoracic dysplasia. This constellation of anomalies has not been previously reported. >Case Report  A male infant with a prenatal diagnosis of thoracic MMC with severe hydrocephalus and scoliosis was born at 36 weeks of gestation. CDH was found after birth and the patient died of respiratory failure due to pulmonary hypoplasia and persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn at 30 hours of age despite neonatal intensive care. An autopsy revealed a left CDH without herniation of the liver or stomach into the thoracic cavity, severe hydrocephalus, Chiari malformation type II, MMC with spina bifida from Th4 to Th12, hemivertebrae, fused ribs, deformities of the thoracic cage and legs, short trunk, and agenesis of the left kidney. >Conclusion  We speculate that two factors may be associated with the severe pulmonary hypoplasia: decreased thoracic space due to the herniation of visceral organs caused by CDH and thoracic dysplasia due to skeletal deformity and severe scoliosis.
机译:>背景先天性diaphragm肌疝(CDH)在严重的肺发育不良病例中是致命的。我们经历了因CDH,胸膜脊髓膜囊膨出症(MMC)和胸廓发育不良引起的致命性肺发育不全病例。之前尚未报告过这种异常现象。 >病例报告一名患有严重脑积水和脊柱侧弯的胸部MMC产前诊断的男婴在妊娠36周出生。出生后发现CDH,尽管有新生儿重症监护,但由于30岁时新生儿的肺发育不全和持续性肺动脉高压而死于呼吸衰竭而死。尸检显示左CDH没有肝或胃突入胸腔,严重脑积水,Chiari畸形II型,MMC伴有从Th4至Th12的脊柱裂,半椎骨,融合肋骨,胸廓和腿畸形,短躯干和左肾发育不全。 >结论我们推测有两个因素可能与严重的肺发育不全有关:由CDH引起的内脏器官突出引起的胸腔缩小和由于骨骼畸形和严重的脊柱侧弯引起的胸廓发育不良。



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