首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases >Lymphocytes bearing Fc gamma receptors in rheumatoid arthritis. IV. Increased numbers and activation of Facb-R+ cells after immunisation of healthy individuals.

Lymphocytes bearing Fc gamma receptors in rheumatoid arthritis. IV. Increased numbers and activation of Facb-R+ cells after immunisation of healthy individuals.

机译:类风湿关节炎中带有Fcγ受体的淋巴细胞。 IV。免疫健康个体后Facb-R +细胞的数量增加和活化。



Mononuclear cells expressing Fc gamma receptors that form Facb rosettes are increased in the peripheral blood of patients with rheumatoid arthritis compared with controls. Healthy individuals with a positive skin response to tuberculin showed a marked increase in numbers of circulating Facb-R+ cells three days after challenge, returning to baseline after seven days. No response was observed in subjects showing a negative skin test. A similar increase in Facb-R+ cell numbers was measured after intramuscular injection of another specific antigen, tetanus toxoid. In addition to this enhancement of Facb-R+ cell numbers, evidence has been obtained that these cells are in an activated state postimmunisation as judged by acquisition of low density and increased expression of class II MHC antigens. Apparently identical changes in Facb-R+ cell numbers and activation may be induced in vitro either by culturing sensitised mononuclear cells with specific antigen for three days or by an overnight incubation of normal cells with gamma-interferon (gamma-IFN). By analogy, therefore, the increased numbers of Facb-R+ cells in patients with rheumatoid arthritis are probably induced by gamma-interferon generated as part of an antigen driven immune response. In this context it is interesting that patients with Felty's syndrome, in whom neutropenia increases susceptibility to infections leading to the possibility of further stimulation of the immune system by micro-organisms, have particularly high levels of circulating Facb-R+ cells.
机译:与对照组相比,类风湿关节炎患者外周血中表达形成Facb花环的Fcγ受体的单核细胞增加。攻击后三天,皮肤对结核菌素阳性的健康个体的循环Facb-R +细胞数量显着增加,七天后恢复基线。在皮肤测试阴性的受试者中未观察到反应。肌肉内注射另一种特异性抗原破伤风类毒素后,Facb-R +细胞数量也有类似的增加。除了增加Facb-R +细胞数量外,已获得证据表明,这些细胞在免疫后处于活化状态,这可通过获得低密度和增加II类MHC抗原的表达来判断。 Facb-R +细胞数量和激活的明显相同的变化可以通过在体外培养具有特异性抗原的敏化单核细胞三天,或在正常细胞中与γ-干扰素(γ-IFN)隔夜孵育来诱导。因此,类推,类风湿性关节炎患者中Facb-R +细胞数量的增加可能是由作为抗原驱动的免疫反应一部分而产生的γ-干扰素诱导的。在这种情况下,有趣的是,费尔特氏综合症患者的循环Facb-R +细胞水平特别高,其中中性粒细胞减少症增加了对感染的敏感性,从而导致微生物进一步刺激免疫系统的可能性。



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