首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Antibiotics >Antibiotic Usage Prior and During Hospitalization for Clinical Severe Pneumonia in Children under Five Years of Age in Rabat Morocco

Antibiotic Usage Prior and During Hospitalization for Clinical Severe Pneumonia in Children under Five Years of Age in Rabat Morocco




Scarce and limited epidemiological, clinical and microbiological data are available regarding pediatric respiratory tract infections in the Kingdom of Morocco, a middle-income country in Northwestern Africa. Data on antibiotic usage for such infections are also scarce. A good understanding of pre-admission and intra-hospital usage of antibiotics in children with respiratory infections linked with an adequate surveillance of the antibiotic susceptibility from circulating pathogens could help policy makers improve their recommendations on management of respiratory infections. We hereby present data on antibiotic usage prior and during admission and antibiotic susceptibility of major circulating respiratory pathogens in children under five years of age admitted to the Hôpital d’Enfants de Rabat, Morocco, with a diagnosis of clinical severe pneumonia (using World Health Organization (WHO) standardized case definitions) during a period of 14 months (November 2010–December 2011), as part of a larger hospital-based surveillance study designed to understand the etiology and epidemiology of severe pneumonia cases among children.
机译:在西北非洲中等收入国家摩洛哥王国,有关儿科呼吸道感染的流行病学,临床和微生物学数据很少且有限。用于此类感染的抗生素使用数据也很少。对呼吸道感染儿童的入院前和院内抗生素的充分了解以及对循环病原体对抗生素敏感性的充分监测,可以帮助政策制定者改善其对呼吸道感染管理的建议。我们现在此提供有关入院前和入院期间抗生素使用情况以及摩洛哥拉巴特Hôpitald'Enfants de Rabat收治的5岁以下儿童中主要循环呼吸道病原体的抗生素敏感性的数据,并诊断出临床上严重的肺炎(使用世界卫生组织) (WHO)在14个月内(2010年11月至2011年12月)标准化病例定义,作为一项更大的基于医院的监测研究的一部分,该研究旨在了解儿童严重肺炎病例的病因和流行病学。



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