
Commentary: ATG5




Both apoptotic and autophagic pathways are activated in cells during anticancer treatment using DNA-damaging agents. Thus, the outcome is balanced between apoptotic cell death and enhanced autophagy, with the possibility of prolonged cell survival. It seems intuitively obvious that this survival mechanism might interfere with the desired tumor cell killing. We addressed this question by tipping the balance in favor of autophagy, using etoposide or cisplatin at low, sublethal doses. Over 4 days, only a little apoptosis was observed, but both drugs sharply increased autophagic flux. Surprisingly, cells underwent a cell cycle arrest at G2/M, followed later by mitotic catastrophe with formation of multipolar spindles, missegregated chromosomes, or enlarged, irregular, sometimes multiple nuclei. Why? The answer is that even a low level of DNA damage not only upregulates autophagy, but also provokes the recruitment of an autophagy-related protein, ATG5, to the nucleus, where it binds BIRC5/survivin, thereby interfering with correct assembly of the chromosome passenger complex needed for cytokinesis.
机译:在使用DNA损伤剂进行抗癌治疗期间,细胞中的凋亡途径和自噬途径均被激活。因此,结果在凋亡细胞死亡与自噬增强之间保持平衡,并具有延长细胞存活的可能性。从直观上看,这种生存机制可能会干扰所需的肿瘤细胞杀伤。我们通过在低致死剂量下使用依托泊苷或顺铂来平衡自噬的平衡,从而解决了这个问题。在4天的时间里,仅观察到少量的细胞凋亡,但是两种药物均会急剧增加自噬通量。出人意料的是,细胞在G2 / M处经历了细胞周期停滞,随后发生有丝分裂灾难,形成多极纺锤体,染色体错聚或扩大,不规则,有时为多核。为什么?答案是,即使是低水平的DNA损伤,也不仅会上调自噬,而且还会激发自噬相关蛋白ATG5进入细胞核,并与BIRC5 / survivin结合,从而干扰染色体过客的正确组装。胞质分裂所需的复合物。



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